
Managing Change Through Organizational Development

Satisfactory Essays

HR07 Managing Change through Organisational Development

Assignment No.I

Assignment Code: 2013HR07A1 Last Date of Submission: 15th April 2013 Maximum Marks:100

Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

Section-A Ques. 1 Explain underlying values and assumptions of OD? Can OD cope with the challenge of managing radical change?

Ques. 2 Is the Action Research model of planned change better than Lewin’s changed model? Justify your stand vis-à-vis the short comings of planned change.

Ques. 3 OD interventions need to be well planned and structured to promote learning and change. What factors should OD practitioners consider while structuring their interventions? …show more content…

Improving skills is never a waste of time. It is amazing how fast the industry can change. Skills that you obtain and thought you would never use, can be the only reason you have a job tomorrow.

“Workers today must do whatever it takes to get the training needed to keep their jobs. Some of the things you could do include going back to school, or changing companies to get the necessary training. Very few companies spend the time and money needed to give workers all the training they need. Everybody must realize that they must stay current or they will be left behind.

“In the last year alone the market for designers with PDS training has grown so fast they companies can no longer be assured of having an adequate work pool to draw from. They pay scale has expanded rapidly and is still growing. A good friend of mine has recently quit his present job for a 35 percent pay increase. Another company has lost many of its 10-year-plus employees to huge salary offers. Workers with the needed skills now have a lot of options. They can(for the most part) pick the company they want, by location, benefits, permanent staff, or contract. They currently have a lot of leverage. Workers without those skills have very limited choices because they do not add value to their companies.”


1. Is J.D. concerned more with job security or career security ? Discuss. 2. Do you agree with J.D.’s statement that “improving your skills is never a waste of time,”

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