
Manatee County Essay

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Manatee County agricultural area for tomatoes has changed from the year 1850-1910. Manatee County was established in 1855. It used to be bigger than what it is now. Manatee Board of County Commissioners (2010) states Manatee County used to include Hardee, Desoto, Highlands, Sarasota, Charlotte, and Glades Counties. This made plenty of land to grow tomatoes. Which influenced many farms of Manatee County and companies to grow tomatoes. These farms include McLeod Family Farm, FFA, and Whisenant tomato farm. Also, some companies are Harllee packing and Pacific Tomato Growers. To begin, tomatoes was one of Manatee Counties best crop from 1850-1910. According to King (n.d.) she states most tomatoes were grown in the Manatee County …show more content…

Some farmers are McLeod Family Farm, FFA, and Whisenant tomato field. According to Manatee County Finance (2016) it states McLeod Family Farm was located in Bradenton and is a truck farm. A truck farm is a small farm that transfers their own crops to the market. This attracted many people because The Board of Trade bragged on how you can sell one acre of crops for around $1,000. The McLeod's grew many crops and raised many chickens. Another farm is FFA. FFA stands for Future Farmers of America. FFA is held at schools for students who want to learn more about agriculture or grow up and be in the agricultural field. Around 1850 the article Manatee County Finance (2016) states Manatee County was growing plenty of tomatoes. So, with any tomatoes left in the field the FFA could go to the field and get tomatoes to sell as a fundraiser. Lastly, the Whisenant Farm. According to Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame (2014) it states Mr. Whisenant invented the EarthBox. The EarthBox is a container gardening system used for small areas. His discovery lead to farming in areas that didn’t have the right type of platform to grow crops and he also founded a better understanding of irrigation

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