In high school students live very different lives and do very different things. Not many students volunteer though so some schools are starting to force students to volunteer now in order to graduate. The question here is if this is truly a wise thing to do.
In many schools, including my own, volunteering is becoming mandatory to graduate. Some people don’t believe this is a good idea because it could hurt more than it helps. One thing about mandatory volunteering is if it is volunteering at all. When you volunteer for something it should be because you want to help the community instead of just looking at it as if it’s a grade. Also, charities fear that forcing kids to do volunteering in high school can make them look at volunteering in a bad way and in return when student become older they may not want to volunteer. (Republic, Author Charity)
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But as a person that come from a low-income family myself I know what it means to be force to volunteer. I don’t believe that when schools make volunteering mandatory they don’t look at low income families. There are kids like me that have to work to help their family or to pay their own bills. I work four or five days a week and don’t get home as late as midnight sometimes which leaves me very little time to do homework, study, and do my chores. So, after all of this I only have three days off sometimes and I need that for projects, homework, studying, and having at least a small social life which is good for kids. I’ve asked teachers how I am supposed to make time to go to school, go to work, do homework and study and on top of that do volunteering and they recommend taking time off work to volunteer which mean I lose money I need to pay bills. This is why I feel making volunteering mandatory is not good for student who have to work, and you can’t require one person to do something and not another
Is graduating a goal for you? To be the first one to graduate in your family? It’s like as if you’re almost there, just one more step but you need one more requirement to be eligible. In this article “Pro/Con: Should Student Service Learning Hours Be Mandatory?” By Claire Koeing, it states the opinion of why high school students should and shouldn’t do community service as a requirement to graduate high school. Many have their own opinion of why it is and isn’t important to have community service as a requirement. High school students mainly seniors already have so much stress and to do, but this does prepare them and give them a taste of how it will be after graduation.
Some people believe that requiring students to volunteer in order to receive their high school diploma defeats the purpose of volunteering. They believe that it would cheapen the work that the students are doing. They believe that the students would not put the required effort into the volunteer work. However, once the students start volunteering, they will forget that they are required to. The students will be proud and have a feeling of accomplishment in the work they are doing and put effort into volunteering in the community. Therefore, students should have to do volunteer work to receive their
Many schools require students to participate in community service, but I think this is a good idea. Many schools do not require students to volunteer in community service. I agree that students should have to volunteer to graduate. I think that students should be forced to volunteer for community service sometime in their high school career as it makes people work and shows them what work really is. It also gets people off there lazy tail.
The United States is a country of volunteers. In 2002-2003, 64 million Americans (28.8 percent of those 16 and older) donated 52 hours a year, the equivalent of more than one full work week, to building shelters, coaching Little League, caring for the elderly, teaching literacy, and countless other community-minded pursuits. Statistics show in Source F that “groups mandatory and nonvolunteers – were less likely to volunteer 8 years after high school than persons who strongly encouraged to volunteer or did it for strictly voluntary reason (43 percent).”
Most students do community service just because it is required. Thus as soon as they do not have to do it anymore, then they are more likely to quit and not do community service again. In “The Downside of School Volunteer Requirements”, Lily Lou explains, “Not having volunteering requirements would not prevent anyone from volunteering, but it would encourage avid volunteers rather generating a larger number of uninspired volunteers who glance at the clock every few minutes.” High school administrations over look the fact that students are more likely to do be willing to volunteer if they are given the choice. Not only that, but when students are given the choice and choose to do community service they are going to be more beneficial to the cause, then if they were doing it because they had
Schools should not allow Community service be cause of the time students have throughout the day it will just add more hours for students to focus on and more responsibilities for a student in school. Also students have an after school sport they need to go and practice because they might have a game that week. Students also might have an after school job because there family needs money or they might have a family they need to support. Community Service
Although community service is a great way to give back to the community, it has been tainted by its use as a requirement for high school graduates. Forcing volunteer work should be recognized for more than just a bare minimum, is unfair to those who have other obligations and provides no lasting benefit to the students. Many people and schools believe that making community service not optional for receiving a diploma could only benefit the students it’s required of but in a way it’s more harmful than helpful.
“Serve of Fail” by Eggers brings up many interesting points as to why volunteering should be a requirement for college students. “Colleges should create in their students a lifelong commitment to volunteering,” he said while pointing out that college students are uniquely suited to volunteering. He stated that America would gain millions of volunteer hours and it would help colleges bridge the gap between the academic world and the world beyond it. I agree that colleges should make volunteering a requirements for students and I support Eggers argument, but have a different opinion on some of his points.
Imagine immigrating to a foreign country where uncertainty and unfamiliarity awaits. That was my family in October 2008 when we arrived in America as refugees, deprived of basic necessities such as food and clothing. We faced difficulties adjusting to the culture and meeting our needs. However, volunteers of all ages from different charities delivered and donated foods, clothing, and presents, and warmly welcomed us with comfort during a time of major adjustment in our lives. They guided my family in our transition as we apply for schools and jobs. Volunteering was also a rare and uncommon practice in my birth country, so the number of volunteers helping us in America made a good impression of the country to my family. As I grew up and attend high school in America, I realized the amazing and endless opportunities for young people to make a difference in other’s lives by feeding the homeless, responding to natural disasters, caring for the elderlies, cleaning the community, saving the lives of animals, and much more. Community service should be required to graduate high school because it provides essential skills, builds character, and promotes higher education for a successful life.
Why as high school students should we be required to volunteer in our community to receive a high school diploma? No, we as high school students should not be required to participate in a volunteer program in our community because there’s no transportation, no places to volunteer and no time to commit.
It would be a perfect world if every adult wanted to give back and be a volunteer. Realistically, thats not the case. If everybody was forced to, that would lessen the point of service. The reason why volunteering is such a great thing is because it isn`t mandatory. If people want to volunteer,they do it to help others. There isn`t a financial gain or a law requring them to do so. If their hearts aren`t in it, then
Do you you think students should be required to volunteer in their communities to receive their high school diplomas? I for one do not think you should be required to volunteer for your community in order to get your diploma. In my eyes no one should be forced to volunteer to do anything however, volunteering does teach responsibility and builds character. Volunteering for something on your own shows what type of person you are however, being forced to volunteer isn’t really volunteering. I do not feel like you should be forced to volunteer for your community in order to get a high school diploma but I do think volunteering is a good thing to do.
Discussing about volunteering to teenagers should be the first step for a better life, since teenagers are the future of tomorrow and they will leave a mark from yesterday. Volunteering has been such an important matter, that schools in many countries around the world established that 12th grade students will need certain hours of community service in order to graduate. But the frequent answers all the schools are getting are “Why do I need to volunteer? I have better things to do!” What people are forgetting is that each one of them is part of a community, a community that is not perfect and that the government sometimes forgets about their problems or needs, because obviously the government needs to take care of other things that require more attention. People are not only helping others, they are also helping themselves (Volunteering).
As an 18-year-old tennager, I was forced by my parents to participate a summer volunteer program in my freshman year. Even though I felt that I was a victim of “tyranny” in the beginning, I realized that I actually enjoyed the process of helping people in the middle of the program. Now, I participate that program every year as an active member, and I have gained the personal enrichment that I am unable to learn from other sources such as math club or SAT preparatory class. There is no doubt that community service can bring essential benefits in helping students develop their moral value and future interest, and it should be mandatory because some students attempt to utilize community service as a tool for their own profit without the school supervision.
Nowadays, it is very difficult to get a job without a College Diploma. Our ever-increasing demands on student’s academic performances have insured well-educated adults, but what we have failed to focus on is the vital component of volunteerism as an integral part of rearing well-rounded adults. College students should be required to complete a year of community service/volunteer work before they can graduate, in order to create mature and caring adults and versatile future leaders. By mandating all College students across the United States of America to add another year to their studies and use this year for community service/volunteer work only, we will be able to increase their knowledge of community need, civic responsibility, and allow