
Manic Disorders Case Study

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QP engaged Maunica in participating in a CBT activity coping with manic symptoms. QP explained to Maunica that the activity will educate her on manic disorder and what she can do to manage and cope with it. QP explained to Maunica, what manic disorder is and provided an example. QP discussed with Maunica the changes in feelings people have when they are experiencing manic episode. QP asked Maunica, when was the last time she had a manic episode. QP asked Maunica to list the common problems of manic state. QP discussed with Maunica the features of manic episode. QP asked Maunica, when was the last time she felt irritable. QP asked Maunica, if she is having a difficult time falling asleep at night. QP asked Maunica to describe, impulsive behavior …show more content…

QP asked Maunica to give an example of change in thinking a person with manic episode may have. QP asked Maunica to describe distractibility that occurs during manic episode. QP explained to Maunica, what causes bipolar affective disorders. QP brainstormed with Maunica the factors that may cause episodes of manic symptoms. QP explained to Maunica, how to cope with manic episode. QP discussed with Maunica some of the treatment for manic disorder. QP discussed with Maunica the side effect of the medications that are used for treating manic disorder. QP asked Maunica to list some of the side effect she feels from the medications she takes. QP reminded Maunica of the importance of taking her medical as prescribed. QP discussed with Maunica, how to recognize the early signs of manic episode. QP discussed with Maunica the benefits of taking medications for treatment of manic disorder. QP assisted Maunica in identifying the benefits of the medications she is presently taking. QP asked Maunica to list some of the reasons a person may give for not taking their manic medicine as prescribed. QP asked Maunica to list some stress symptoms she

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