
Mariabylla Merian Algonquin Summary

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It is important to note Marie is not in a fact typical Christian woman on her time period. She was highly religious and had intense spiritual contention to Christ and often had visions where she claimed that Christ could communicate to her. However it worth nothing that as a Jewish woman Glikl felt capable and secure enough in her abilities to attempt to run a business while Marie felt that her only option was to join a nunnery. This makes me believe that perhaps a Jewish widow had more freedom that a Christian widow during this time period. From Marie writing we are able to get a sense on how she believed a good Christian girl should behave. When she in the Americans she wrote on her experiences on trying to each the Huron, Algonquin and …show more content…

Glikl made sure that her kids married well and had children and that her sons learned how to run a business. In fact she gave huge sums of money to her second son in order for him to become a merchant. Marie in contrast encouraged her son to enter the religious order with her. Through her devotion she encouraged him to become a priest. The last women that was a Protestant woman whose name was Maria Sibylla Merian who story is the least typical and most exciting of a women for her times. She sailed around the world most notably America painting pictures and collecting specimens of insects and plants. She published two very famous books called Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname and European insects. The real issue with examining Maria life was that she has no autobiography, or letters where she wrote her feelings so most of the information found on her very factual and historian can only make guesses about her …show more content…

Protestant or Maria was a Lutheran was the most educated of the women. This makes sense because the Protestants reformation was the one of reasons that there might have been increased education opportunities for women. But even the protestant religion only taught girls “to habituate girls to the catechism, to the psalms to honorable behavior and Christian virtue and especially to prayer and to make them grow up to be Christian and praiseworthy matrons and housekeepers.” It is interesting to note however in the catholic religions nuns where education was valued as we see in the case of Marie.
The biggest difference between the catholic religion and the Jewish and protestant religion is the fact that catholic religion values celibacy. In the Jewish religion it as a great honor and privilege to give birth to sons while in the protestant religion, the big change that occurred was their rejection of celibacy and there removal of the use of nuns from their religious

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