
Marine Biology Research Paper

Decent Essays

Marine Biology
What do Marine Biologist study? Do Marine Biologist study plants and animals in the ocean? Do they study the health of the ocean? These are some of the questions people would ask. The purpose of this research paper is to answer these questions. What Marine Biology is and what examples of what Marine Biologist study will be addressed in this paper.
What is Marine Biology? If someone studies Marine Biology they study the life in the ocean. Someone can also study saltwater environments such as estuaries and wetlands. Marine Biology uses the scientific method to study the plants and animals in the ocean. Some people are volunteer marine biologists, students, professors, and conservation advocates around the world. In conclusion, Marine Biology is the study of plants and animals in the ocean like coral reefs.
One environment that Marine Biologists study is the Coral Reef. Coral reefs are home to many different kinds of animals. Coral reefs are very interesting. They are actually living plants.Coral Reefs are very interesting and neat to look at. Coral reefs are a precious resource in the ocean because of their beauty. Coral reefs are built by millions of coral Coral reefs provide shelter for a wide variety of marine life they are a valuable source of organisms for potential …show more content…

There are many different types of dolphins. There is a Bottlenose dolphin, Amazon river dolphin, Common dolphin, and spotted dolphin. Dolphins are carnivores and eat mostly fish and squid. Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed whales that includes orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves. Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally gray in color with darker backs than the rest of their bodies.As some on can see there are many different species of dolphins. There are also many types of

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