
Marketing Analysis : Walt Disney Company

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The Walt Disney Company must penetrate global market with its existing products, create a collaborative culture of kids and family oriented that brings family together, satisfy shareholder with their financial need, expand new portfolio and lead in the digital and internet world. Disney needs to diversify into new products and services to keep up with its 20% projected growth and develop a market using its brand a household name for many millions of consumer throughout the world for an expansion. The strategy should include a horizontal and vertical integration, expand with new investments, and expand by outsourcing computer software and manufacturing consumer products. With a diversified portfolio, Disney should cross share a success of each group along with its brands. The entire old assets such as Mickey (Sullivan, 2011) are still popular and can be shared between the segments to increase shareholder values and lower the overall operating cost. Virtually, there is no competition exists for these assets and key strength for Disney to overtake its competitors.
Strengthen generic strategy through complementary strategic moves
The Walt Disney Company employed many complementary strategic moves as part of strengthening its generic strategy. Disney developed many strategic alliances and partnership during past decades to distribute its movies, consumer products and resort and park reservations and broadcast contents. One of the long-term blockbuster movie partners is Pixar

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