
Marketing Plan For A Chocolate Cream By Using Premium Cocoa And A Secret Formula

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Chocoberry is a chocolate brand that offers a superior quality chocolate by using premium cocoa and a secret formula in a variety of unique and interesting flavors. According to a survey given to consumers electronically, chocolate is most heavily consumed by females between the ages of 20-25 years old. Chocoberry consumers enjoy the smooth, rich taste as well as the convenient shape and packaging of the Chocoberry chocolate. Chocoberry has an opportunity market new products in US market which shows potential to increase market share, profitability, brand awareness, customer acquisition and retention. Recovery in consumer spending during 2010 resulted in a quick rebound of chocolate sales. Currently the market share is divided into three …show more content…

Health and Nutrition Concerns: Health and nutrition has started to play a major role in the decisions of American consumers. It is a major concern and issue for many Americans. Since most Americans are concerned with their diet, this can have a major impact on the success of Marabou chocolate. Although sweets are known as being unhealthy there have been several reports showing that dark chocolate is healthy in moderation and has strong heart and brain benefits as well as anti-inflammatory attributes. Chocoberry packaging will also provide nutritional information very clear terms for the consumer are fully aware of the benefits and ingredients in our high-quality product line/s. Dollar, unit, and volume sales of premium chocolate are growing more quickly than every-day chocolate (e.g. Kit Kat etc.) according to the Packaged Facts report. Additionally, premium chocolate sales of products such as Godiva, Lindt have increased 4.8% to $1.8 billion in the year ending April, 20, 2014. Given Chocoberry’s interest in excelling in the healthy lifestyle segment, there are three (3) business models to consider depending on the convenience, strategic position and financial resources of Chocoberry. The distribution network will include e-commerce, strategic alliance with

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