Question 1
For a successful firm, having a good research to realize the customers need is very important. Qualitative research and quantitative research are the main method to collect information and data from customers for making firm’s decision. However, there is a different between qualitative and quantitative which used in different part of projects. And they both have advantages and disadvantages in the process and the conclusion which may lead to incorrect decisions.
Indeed, to distinguish two research methods and when to use or when not to use, it will increase the accurately of outcome for making decisions correctly.
The meaning of research is a process to collect information, data and suggestion from interviewers. And
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If a company using qualitative research for collecting information from outside, they can identify customer needs or obtain information to generate measures for improvement or create a new ideas (I). As usual in business, qualitative research can let them understand how their customer recognize a marketing message, and capture the culture and similarly customers using to relate and define a product, service of business. And the useful of getting qualitative research is, to provide enough information to design quantitative study and explain findings that form a quantitative study (J).
But absolutely there is a time that qualitative research does not suitable to use. It does not expect qualitative research to measure, count or offer statistical justification which is all the range and wide question and information collected from the result with uncountable.
It cannot be a final result from qualitative research such as determine the final idea, survey, establish the importance of specific people needs, thinking or satisfaction critical because it is only an opening research. If time and money budget is limited, qualitative research is not reasonable that will spend a big amount of money and consume a long period of time for processing this research (H).
Qualitative research is very useful tools for
Qualitative research is not measurable. This is how a consumer believes about a product. The consumer may feel that the color red makes the widget look better than the color blue. There is no measurement for this type of research. Finding out what makes the red widget more pleasing to consumers is the driving force for qualitative research. This type of data is not strait forward and involves a large amount of interpretation from the researcher. Experts are needed to translate the data.
Qualitative research is flexible written form their results are ongoing and their conclusion can be changed while quantitative research is numerical, reliable, specific, data are collected by statistical analysis due to which quantitative are more accurate. Qualitative research uses open questions to find the depth of the information while quantitative research uses closed question, secondary data or experiments due to this it lacks the depth of the information and neglect the effect of the individuals which could be service provider, service users or other staff members.
According to Schneider, Elliot, LoBiondo-Wood & Haber (2004), qualitative research methods, search for the meaning and understanding of human experiences in a naturalistic setting. A researcher obtains subjective facts in order to explore the experiences of each participant (Schneider, Elliot, LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 2004). As a result, qualitative research is a means in which a researcher gains an insight into the participant's point of view concerning their personal experiences; in order gain an understanding of the information given. Therefore this allows a researcher to collect subjective information to create a description of the phenomenon (Vishnevsky & Beanlands 2004).
The uses of quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. The quantitative research answers exactly what QVC was looking for before the research began. The qualitative research was utilized to focus on the emotions and stories of the gathered information. There were specific questions constructed to determine which consumers would be the main focus of the marketing team.
Qualitative research method is a systematic strategy used for gathering information that are non-numerical, that is, they use visual and narrative words instead of using number. The data collected are from comprehensive case studies, focus groups a qualitative research approach whereby subjects answers an open-ended interview questions, likewise each others ' comments; ethnographies or field observation. (Headlessprofessor, 2012)
Qualitative research: In quantitative researches, group discussions or interviews are conducted to gather information. This research involves open-ended questions where consumers are required to answer in-depth questions. Experienced professionals are required to conduct interviews. It is both an expensive and time-consuming method of
Business researchers utilize various forms of approaches to analyze and obtain information and data, and two of the most popular approaches used are the qualitative research approach and quantitative research approach. Each approach can be beneficial or in some cases may cause inconclusive results depending on the type of research being conducted and what the nature of the study is. The following will assess two different peer reviewed articles: one which uses a qualitative approach and the other a quantitative approach. It
Qualitative research seeks to answer the “why” and not the “how” of the research project that is being conducted, this is done through a complex system of analyzing unstructured information such as survey’s , questionnaires, interviews, interview transcripts, open end survey’s, focus groups, observations, emails, notes, video’s, feed back forms and photo’s; most of the time a qualitative report won’t depend on statistical evidence alone it must be accompanied by detailed facts and proven facts and not hypotheses or in accurate data, this can lead to misunderstanding of data findings and can through the whole aim of the research project off and waste valuable time.
A research design that is qualitative is done through the method of subjectively perceiving the qualities of a phenomenon that may not be measured quantitatively. "Qualitative research is used to examine subjective human experience by
Qualitative research method involves analysis on ‘quality’ of study object. Specifically, it adopts such approaches as induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, as well as abstraction and generalization to process all kinds of materials obtained in order to eliminate all but the essential, discard the false and retain the true and proceed from the exterior to the Interior, thus reveal the essence along with inherent law. Qualitative analysis is majorly about the problem
Bazeley, P. 2004, Issues in Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Research, Applying qualitative methods to marketing management research. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp141-156.
Defining Qualitative are dynamic they change because situations are not static and they having multiple realities, none of which is more valid or true than another. The purpose of qualitative methodology is to explain and get insight and understanding or description. By cautious and extreme literature review and data collection, which create hypotheses assumptions and the hypotheses are tested such inductive inferences develop while in contrast quantitative research methodology prevent relatively change in situation and events and it is depend on single reality which researcher ensure generalization and understanding. The aim of quantitative methodology in research is to predict the situation or event by the statistical testing of variables, whether they have correlation or not this is focused on numerical data such hypotheses are tested and develop deductive conclusion of the situation and event.
Qualitative research methods pose some limitation. For instances the findings of the study is a bit more difficult to generalized to the study population and or community. The data collection can also be time consuming compared to other research methods (Johnson & Onwuegbuzie, 2016).
Overall, qualitative research design can help give researches options of conducting researching depending on the research topic in question. Further understand the types of qualitative research design can further narrow research method options. Ultimately, qualitative research should continue to be a notable research method since it enables researchers from all fields to examine concepts that are abstract and try to comprehend different
Qualitative research does not describe a single research method, there are many research methods associated with qualitative research. Qualitative research is not easily defined and yet it does have certain characteristics that tend