An increasing number of people are turning to massage therapy to help them cope with the stress and pressures of everyday life. Once described as "rubbing", massage treatment involves the application of a variety of compression techniques applied to one's muscles and soft tissues, resulting in improved state of overall health and well-being.
For thousands of years, medical reports have sang the praises of the amazing healing effects of massage treatment and the benefits of rubbing and friction for health issues associated with proper circulation and joint pain. A variety of unique techniques used in massage have proven to be nourishing for many parts of the body, including the circulatory and nervous systems.
The list of mental and physical benefits of regular massage treatment is extensive; here are just a few:
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A side effect of massage therapy may include temporary discomfort or slight pain, but the positive results overshadow any risk involved.
Before integrating massage treatment into your regular health regimen, please keep the following in mind:
* You need to do your homework and review your therapist's experience, credentials and training. Don't be afraid to ask questions to determine if a particular therapist has the proper skill set for your needs.
* Massage therapy is not meant to replace your existing medical care for a particular problem, but to enhance it. Always consult with your physician if you have any concerns.
* If you do have an existing medical condition and aren't certain that massage therapy is right for you, discuss it with your doctor and get his/her opinion before beginning a long-range massage therapy plan.
Many don't realize that massage therapy is also used in the treatment of the following common health concerns:
* Bronchitis;
* Carpal tunnel syndrome;
* Asthma and allergies;
* Sports injuries;
From the earliest of times, massage, which is the manipulation of body tissues for a therapeutic purpose, has been used by stroking or rubbing parts of our body that are experiencing pain.
Get a message, help relaxing our body and mind. When we are under stress, we tighten our muscle, doing massage can help relax the tension of the muscles.
Here is a closer look at some of the health benefits of massage therapy at Inman Oasis:
Massage is the motion of using friction and pressure to elevate both mental and physical health issues. Conventionally people use it to relax their body and mind but when used as complimentary therapy it has many other uses, these are improving blood and lymphatic circulation, improve tissue permeability, improve micro circulation, stretch muscles and tissue, reduce scar tissue, reduce stress, help you to relax and improve self-esteem.
Massage is a very common form of therapy for all sorts of things, from stress to chronic pain. There have been numerous studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of massage in helping to manage patients’ pain while keeping them off medication. The benefit of this type of treatment is pain relief through manipulation of the body. The mechanism of action is, once again, unknown, but it is thought to be related to stimulation of muscles and the blood flow being increased. There are
Massage therapy reduces bone pain and enhances cartilage growth. It is also the oldest alternative treatment to be practiced. It is typically experienced in a declining position, on the stomach, or on the
As a child, I became acquainted with the art of massage therapy by my Uncle whom was becoming a massage therapist. During the course of his practice, he demonstrated his techniques with family members by massaging their head, neck, upper back,hands and feet. By seeing the communication between the mind, body and energy, I immediately developed an interest in massage. Even as a child, I was able to observe the emotion of the muscle communicating with the body and witnessing the energy being soothed through the healing abilities deriving out of massage. Exploring my fascination for massage, I began massaging the shoulders, hands and feet of family members.
Massage Therapy is a commonly used method in modern society to enhance an individual’s well-being on a variety of levels. Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being (1). Massage Therapy is a natural therapeutic treatment intervention recommended by many physicians to help combat the negative effects of stress on the human body in both a physical and mental capacity.
Massage can give you all the benefits of medication - but without the nasty side-effects.
If you are into sports, now days there are also many sports teams that use massage therapists to increase players’ performance. Increased performance is also going into the business world; many corporations are staffing massage therapists because relaxation reduces stress and headaches. When these physical negatives are reduced, more work gets accomplished with fewer complaints.
Educate the client on stress management. Stress can affect an individual’s perception of their prognosis and symptoms. There can be an increase in pain and inflammation. Promotion of coping and control. It can improve an individual’s mood.
I'm pretty sure you know that massage can do a whole lot more than relieving pain and soothing sore muscles.
Massage therapy can help with alleviating muscle tension, diminishing stress, and bringing to mind feelings of calmness, along with helping chronic fatigue syndrome, easing chronic constipation, and enhancing self image. It also manipulates the activity of the musculoskeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems in the body. Clinical studies have revealed that massage relieves chronic back pain more effectively than other treatments and most times it is more cost effective than other treatments ("University of Maryland Medical Center").
(Preview) Massage is widely practiced throughout the world and was brought to the United States years ago, since then we have improved our techniques and processes. There are many types of massage therapy, which can help with all kinds of physical ailments as well as improve one’s wellbeing.
Massage helps you better understand how the body works, and gives you tools for reducing pain and healing the body. Whether you want to learn massage in order to build a career or simply want to provide the people you love with relaxation and enjoyment, massage is an art that will never go