
Matthias By Paul E. Johnson And Sean Wilentz: The Kingdom Of Matthias

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Failed Cleansing The Kingdom of Matthias by Paul E. Johnson & Sean Wilentz is based on the story of Robert Matthews in the early 1800’s. Which sets place during the second great awakening when evangelicalism was very common in the northeastern part of the U.S. Many Americans through this period were experiencing with various religions, which Matthews tried to benefit from by starting his own religion. Due to constant personal hardships, the market revolution, influences of his new religion, and Americans reaction with different views is what ultimately led not just to the creation of Robert Matthews “kingdom” but also to its collapse.
Robert Matthews personal hardships started at an early age when both his parents passed away, thus leaving …show more content…

Matthias mentioned to Elijah “that it was a big mistake to pray for the Son’s Kingdom, when it was the reign of the Father that was at hand. Matthias’s mission was to establish that reign of Truth and redeem the world from devils, prophesying women, and beaten men” (Johnson & Wilentz pg. 92). Going back to the paternal hierarchy that he grew up with the Anti-Burghers in Coila, “The Spirit of Truth, Matthias explained was the spirit of male government. God wanted women to have none of it” (Johnson & Wilentz pg. 95). Which shows that somehow he was trying to make his new religion to somehow fit his own prior beliefs. What resonates as well was his implementations for his kingdom “there would be no market, no money, no buying or selling, no wage system with its insidious domination of one father over another, no economic oppression of any kind” (Johnson & Wilentz pg. 96). Leading us to believe that he was making all this new rules for his kingdom based on previous personal hardships and possibly making new ones as he found …show more content…

Once they joined Matthias moved his kingdom from the city to the Folgers estate in Sing Sing to run his kingdom from there and named it Mount Zion. Once at Mount Zion Matthias once again making new rules for his follower is started to create problems within his kingdom. He arranged all the women to do house work while he assigned all the males to do garden work for the kingdom and to self-sustain themselves. The most shocking of those new rules was the matching of spirits where Matthias himself said his spirit matched Ann Folgers and they needed to be together through marriage. Reluctantly Ann’s husband Benjamin agreed and Matthias and Ann married. Elijah Pierson at an advance stage of life ended up dying in Mount Zion, to which later newspapers considered it as a story that they could easily sell by projecting Matthias as a fraud to the public. Americans reacted to such crimes “hoping to support their conflicting views respecting humankind, God, and the United States of America” (Johnson & Wilentz pg. 150). Many newspapers had evaluated why Matthias was guilty possibly of fraud or maybe innocent because he was mentally ill, they all tied it to what was going in the country through the Second Great

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