
Mcdonalds Hrm Policy

Better Essays

12/20/2010 |Submitted by: | Akansha Jain (93005) | |Avnita Gupta (93013) | |Nikhil Jethani (93018) | |Megha Devgan (93029) | |Sankalp Gera (93045) | |Shubhankar Das (93051) …show more content…

Once when the job description is prepared, restructuring in the job is done based on the observations of the seniors. In McDonald’s job Analysis is done on the basis of Interviews. Job Evaluation Method: Job Evaluation means making decision about the wages and salaries of the employees on the basis of job analysis it can also be called as compensation. In McDonald There are two types of working hour’s employees: • Part Time Employees • Full Time Employees In McDonald’s they have predefined standards on which employees are awarded on the basis of their skill, knowledge and experience. The Full Time Working Employees are given salary on monthly basis were as the part time employees are given salary on the basis of the total hours they have worked Recruitment and Selection Process Recruitment: Recruitment is a phase that immediate precedes selection. Its purpose is to pave the way of the selection process by producing ideally, the smallest number if candidates who appear to be capable. The objective of recruitment procedure is to attract suitable candidates in order to produce a short list for future investigation in the selection process. Recruitment process: In McDonald’s the recruiting and hiring process for selecting starts from the applications

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