The development of Human Resource is a part and parcel of human resource management. It is the main functions of Human Resource Management. Every organisation and its management have the responsibility to develop its human resources if at all it wanted to remain in business, face the competition and moves towards prosperity and growth. In these modern times of growing awareness the development of human resources is the task number one for any organisation.
The very growth and survival and growth of the organisation depends on the development of human resource development. The Human Development Resource programmes have become routine now in the organisations. Gone are the days when employees were treated as part of the machine. Now new awakening has emerged.
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Produce Quality Results: They should believe those who serve deserve excellent service, a safe, productive, and healthy work environment, and quality results.
Human Resource Development Mechanisms
Human Resource Development aims to identify the gap between the competencies required in human resource and actual competencies to fulfil them with development and training. In order to achieve the primary objective of human resource development, different mechanisms or methods can be u sed.
These mechanisms carry some special features individually and contribute for the development of human resource collectively.
• They have to uncover difficulties faced by the subordinates while handling assigned tasks and try to remove those hurdles.
• Have to understand the strengths and weaknesses of subordinate and should help the subordinate to overcome the obstacles in the way.
• It’s their duty to encourage subordinates to meet problems head on and accept responsibilities and face challenges with confidence and courage.
• It’s their duty to plan for effective utilization of the talents of
Traditional human resource management is seen as a simple department to recruit people and to deal with salary and insurance issues. Some organizations even let it manage administrative issues. Today, human resource development and management functions more than those. There are several critical functions of it.
“Strategic HR planning predicts the future HR management needs of the organization after analyzing the organization's current human resources, the external labor market and the future HR environment that the organization will be operating in” (HR Council, n.d.). Human resource planning directly ties in to an organization’s strategic development and implementation by calculating company trends, resources, design, previous works and future expansion and ensuring that the impending requirements are met. This paper will further examine the role of human resource development
Leading subordinates to success starts with building trust with your subordinates. It is important to gain trust throughout the ranks because without trust it is hard to influence Soldiers and complete the overall mission. You do not just receive trust automatically because you are a leader, you have to earn
Human resource is an appellation used in referring to the workforce of an organization or company. Human resource management is involved in the act of putting together employees in an organized manner to assure the objectives of the organization are achieved in a competent and experienced manner. Human resources are the most important services of any organization since they are the catalysts of non-human resources and the medium for developing competitive advantages and sounds of creativity. No organization can exist without a human resources department (Walsh, 2009). A company without an HR department would be reducing its operations and could collapse within a short amount of time.
In order to foster a good work environment everyone need to be in the same side. Empowering subordinates with a specific area allow me to recognize them on a good job done or couch in any area that it needs improvement. Another tactic that is useful to empower Soldier for me is to ask them to provide a solution every time that they come up with a question or a problem. This will give them two essential growth methods, first it force them to use the regulations and second facilitates critical
In this assignment, I am writing about the duties and responsibilities of my work role and the expectation of my work role.
One of the fundamentals of managing Soldiers taught by the military is, “to know your Soldiers.” In the military, it is common to get to know your subordinates work lives, as well as their personal life after and before work. Do they have families? What is their religion? Where did they grew up, and what is their story? These question and many more, will ultimately lead you to what motivates them, and helps you notice when they have issues they are dealing with. Because of diversity of employees, and the different values one holds, a
This translates to me that I should lead by example which for one acts as a deterrent. I must communicate effectively with my subordinates by clearly establishing the standards and informing them of my expectations. At the same time expressing to them that I will support them in every way I can. Moreover, I will hold them accountable by applying discipline consistently. It is mentioned that demonstrating that you are willing to hold subordinate accountable is crucial because prevention is only effective when subordinates are convinced that you are observing them and you are willing to correct and reward their
• Address issues of poor performance. Other workers resent having to carry someone who cannot or will not pull their own weight.
Directive leaders give subordinates instruction about tasks, which includes what, is expected of them, how it is to be done and the timeline.
Human Resource Management is the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety and fairness concern. “Human Resource Management is a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personal techniques” Storey (1995)
It is necessary for human resource management to have a proper human resource planning. “Human resource planning involves planning that assure a firm’s needs for employees”, says Madura. She also includes that human resource planning consists of three tasks which are forecasting staffing needs, job analysis (Madura, 2007). Recruiting and selecting the right employee is not enough. There is a necessity to provide continuous training and development to the employees to be more productive and efficient. With great training, it enables the employees to be more innovative, creative, motivated and thus increase their working performance. Training can be through various types such as on the job training, off the job training, job rotation and scholarships.
Human resource management has gained atmost importance in the past few years. Studies have found that there is a relationship between human resources of an organization and performance. From an era of slaves to an era of knowledge resources, People have been regarded differently throughout the years. People are now considered to be energy resources which are directly responsible for the effective working of the organization. An organization with good human resources and its effective management forms an effective organization.
The economic environment in nowadays dynamic, it is fairly important for organisations and managers to recognise the curtail of Human Resource Management. It is clear that Human Resource Management (HRM) has become one of the most recommend management strategy in the modern business (Leopold and Harris, 2009). Human Resource Management is a technique process of managing people in the workplace to enable and enhance organization performance (Leopold and Harris, 2009). This theory involved the responsible to attracting, selecting, training and managing people which make employees become more valuable to the organisations. It invests effect in learning and development at work. Also to communicate with all employees at each level to reward successful employee relations (Wilton, 2011). Human Resource Management plays a very important role in the operation strategy and management concerns in work organisations of all kinds (Leopold and Harris, 2009). In aim to justify this statement by evaluate the benefit and importance of Human Resource Management in contemporary work organisations. This essay will focus on analysis the advantages of use Human Resource Management in business also underline by explain more detail about the different HRM strategy brings benefits and give competitive advantages impact to the organisation success. Then summarise by a general conclusion on the importance of HRM in contemporary work organisations.
To work in the Human Resource management field you must maintain and improve the company by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relations and human resource policies, programs, and practices. It is a challenging and yet rewarding field to work in. However, just like every business field, people who work in the human resource department face many challenges when it comes to discrimination.