
Mediatek Case Aanalysis Essay

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Shanzhai! MediaTek Group Case Analysis | | Group Members: Bisma Iqbal Kayla Wilson Ali Fawaz Jasmine HaiderCourse: 04-75-498 Section 30 Professor: Tony Mao Submitted on: July 23/2012 Course: 04-75-498 Section 30 Professor: Tony Mao Submitted on: July 23/2012 | Table of Contents | Page | I. Problem Identification | | Company Profile…………………………………………………………………………………………………… | 2 | Primary Issue……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. | 2 | Secondary Issues.…………………………………………………………………………………………………. | 2 | II. Internal Analysis | | Value Chain………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. | 2 | VRINE …show more content…

Capabilities: MediaTek has created a customization model that allows customers to view a weekly reviewed code database containing software for new features. The customers have the ability to review and submit feedback on the features to a marketing team. This customization model includes the assessments and recommendations of the company’s internal R&D and is provided free of charge to the customer. The model has proven to be beneficial for the company as the development cycle time has been reduced from 9 to 12 months down to just three. A key area of exploitation for the company has been its experience and research based historic past. The current CEO of MediaTek, Ming-Kai Tsai had worked as a designer manager of the electronic research and service organization at Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). When Tsai joined UMC in 1983 he became director of research and development and oversaw the creation of many products. He took the necessary steps to make the company a top CD-ROM controller supplier. Having an experienced leadership with a past in R&D has proved to be a strong capability for MediaTek. They have managed to take advantage of this by diversifying their product lineup to target various CD, DVD, and Blu-ray technologies. Another capability for the company has been its successful approach to technical training. The

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