When researching the jobs for Medical Billing and Coding (MB&C), I asked myself many questions; Which resulted in more research. I have always set out to carry out an extensive goal. I strive to help as many people as possible. What better way to do that, than the medical field. Mark McClellan has said, “ Patients receive better care when providers are given financial incentives to deliver the right care.” (EBSCO) when pondering on a career choice, I looked for something I could help others and give financial incentive. Once I had decided to follow this career path, I asked myself, What are the trends in this industry? The first trend that I discovered was the Affordable Care Act(ACA). This act plays an enormous role as a MB&C, and
There are two trends that I have learned about from UMA and TV. ICD-10 replacing IDC-9. ICD-10 will provide the medical billing/coder with more descriptions for describing encounters and hospital stay for patients. Where ICD-9 had 3,824 procedure codes and 14,025 diagnosis codes, ICD-10 on the other hand, has 71,924 procedure codes and 69,823 diagnosis codes that is a big difference. The affordable care act also made an impacted on billing/coding since more people are getting procedures done. These procedures will need to be coded and documented for doctors and hospitals to get paid.
Our mission as a medical billing association is to provide industry and regulatory education, networking opportunities for our members, to be able to share information and ideas and to market our member's abilities and professional services as a group.
Are you already working in the field but need to keep abreast of coding changes and what is trending in healthcare?
When people think about jobs in the health care field, it can be easy to assume that most jobs involve direct, hands-on patient care. What many people don’t realize is that administrative jobs are equally vital to ensuring quality health care services. Medical billing and coding is an important piece in the administrative puzzle that makes up the vast health industry. As with most administrative jobs, medical coding and billing professionals need to have excellent attention to detail, as one wrong code or inaccurate statement can have an extremely negative
B) A major trend impacting the health industry is the use of information technology. Back in 2009, the United States (U.S) Congress and President Obama passed the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery
The Medical Coding and Billing career offers an average starting salary of about 40,000 dollars a year, and the Us department of labor expects to add over 41,000 new job opportunities in next few years. This is a growth of about 22% in the next few years. With Medical Coding and Billing, you can gain all of the important skills that you need by completing online courses that works around your life schedule. You can achieves this in a year or less.
My career that I am researching for my junior project is Medical Coding and Billing. Medical Coding and Billing are two different jobs. Medical Coding is when a patient has any medical procedure or exam such as going to the doctor for the stomach virus or even going to the hospital for a broken bone. They work with the insurance companies by putting a specific number into the computer. There’s CPT Codes which stands for Current Procedural Terminology which is “ Codes to better understand the services their doctor provided, to double check their bills or negotiate lower pricing for their healthcare services. (About Health, 2014).”
They also acquire necessary skills for advancement and will be a part of booming healthcare industry. They can be a specialist or a generalist,will work regular hours,and will start gaining experience before
They also check for accuracy of a patient’s record and developing networks. Now, how the job market look like for this profession? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the author states “as of 2014-2024, the job outlook is 15%, which
Forecasting is an important tool to help healthcare managers prepare for the challenges associated with rising health care costs. As the healthcare landscape continues to change, managers look at the past and present to predict the future. The U.S. government is major provider of health insurance for the elderly and disable persons. The government’s portion for covering healthcare costs has risen steadily, from 43% in 1980 and 38% in 1970 (Miller & Washington, 2006 p. 40). Medicare is the single largest source of payment for beneficiary health care costs; it covers about half of the cost of health care (Healthcare Financing Administration, 2006). The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which also provides medical coverage to low income persons, must also be factored into the cause and effect analysis. As a result of the changing landscape of health insurance, healthcare managers rely of analytical forecasting to predict future healthcare costs, examine cause and effect relationships and prepare their organization to provide quality affordable care to their patients.
Medical billing and coding is a career that involves the process of submitting and following up on medical claims with health insurance companies in order to receive a payment for the services of a healthcare provider. I think this job involves a lot of technology use and will take patience having to deal with all the different kinds of people and ethnicities. From what I’ve seen and what others have, a medical biller is someone who files all the medical stuff at the front desk or office in a medical facility. When you think of this career, you think of someone who works at a desk all day. Thats not all they do though.
One of the trends now in Managed Care is the significant increase of federal spending for Medicaid Managed Care. According to
I have decided to pursue a career in health information technology. My eventual goal is to get a job in a medical billing and coding setting. I am lucky enough to have a couple of family members that currently work in this field, so I am ahead of the curve in knowing what to expect and where are good places to apply.
Trend is the direction of movement of data over a relatively long period. In a medical practice, such trends would include the increase in the number of population that would require medical care in the future, the number of people that would be medically insured over time, and also the trend in the neighborhood where the clinic is located. According to the US Census Bureau, the number of Americans over age 84 is projected to more than triple between 2010 and 2050. Hence, it is clear that there will be an increase in demand to care for the elderly population with Medicaid plans. Medicaid plans experienced an initial bump of 10.8 million new enrollees in 2014 because of the healthcare reform law. But future growth among those newly eligible members in the 28 states that have approved expansion won’t be as large, some experts say (Sandler, 2015). This data of Medicaid plans shows an uncertainty as even though there is an increase in demand right now, but according to some experts this might not increase at a constant pace over time. Even in a market oriented society like ours, government intervention in healthcare has been huge. Government actions play an important role and impact on healthcare sector and it is obvious that such impacts also affect the competitors. If we look at the health insurance as a whole instead of just Medicaid plans, we see that the number of insured will grow over time
In the beginning, normally one physician would care for the patient. The constant advancement in the field of medicine requires a multiple number of physicians to pick a specialty and focus on it as medicine is now being focused on a specific "set" of issues. "The reliance of healthcare on constant evolving technologies mandates continual learning." Keeping an eye/ear out for gaining knowledge that will help you in the specialty field you choose to pursue is an ongoing task that will require checking in daily to see what if any new advancements are on the horizon. "Coders must be familiar with the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) rules and private payer rules.""