
Essay on Meditation

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Relaxation lowers blood pressure, calms the nervous system, releases tension in muscles, enhances immune system function, and reverses the damage done by negative stress. For relaxation to work its magic on the body, both the body and mind need to be still, and calm. As left side activity of the brain decreases, the intuitive, creative, right side of the brain becomes more active. We need to quiet the rational side and draw on our inner-wisdom, capacity for empathy, ability to love, and faith that you would be given answers.

Meditation is a state of deep relaxation in which breathing slows, alpha and theta brainwaves increase, and the mind to become calm, yet alert. Meditation increases oxygen …show more content…

This seems to give them permission to soften, and the body then becomes almost separate from the mind.


After your body is quiet and composed, begin mentally centering yourself. A centered mind is aware, alert, and focused on one thing. Centering is the core of meditation. Centering teaches you how to be compassionate with your mind and flexible with your expectations. You learn how to stick with an activity, instead of sabotaging your efforts in harsh judgment and unrealistic demands.

Centering cultivates mindfulness, the ability to witness what is going on without getting lost in it. This is the real power of meditation – learning how to be mindful of what is actually occurring without coloring it in old memories, habits or preconceptions. When you are mindful, decisions and responses are based on the present circumstances and not ancient history. You stop behaving like a slave to habitual reaction and unconscious, counterproductive behavior.
Being mindful also means you are truly present to life’s experiences. You are not missing what is currently happening by wishing for yesterday or getting lost in tomorrow. Your immediate experiences is fully realized and understood. If the event is pleasant, like eating a fresh apple, you feel all the crisp, delicious sensations without fogging them in extraneous thoughts. You receive the total impact, the complete pleasure. If the event is stressful, like driving in heavy traffic, you remain sharp and

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