
Melanie Klein

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Melanie Klein (30 March 1882 – 22 September 1960) was an Austrian-born British psychoanalyst who devised novel therapeutic techniques for children and was particularly interested in the early psychological development that which had a significant impact on child psychology and contemporary psychoanalysis and is still used in present day therapeutic techniques. Klein was the first to use psychoanalysis on young children. She was unique by working with children using toys. Klein is named as one of the co-founders of Object Relations Theory.
Anna Freud was researching ORT during the same time as Klein. Freud’s ideas concerning children mostly came from working with adult patients; Klein was innovative in working directly with children, often …show more content…

For example a child who sucks its thumb is enacting the phantasy of feeding. Satisfying experiences are re-enacted internally through phantasies.
-enables the ego to perform its most basic function of establishing object relations. A world of good and bad objects are thus constructed through a process of projection and introjection between the external and internal worlds. Phantasy thus allows us to construct both our own identity and also, through projection, the construction of others.
-develop in and into play, and Klein used 'play therapy' to learn about the early development of infants as a more effective method than Freud's use of free association.
-continue through childhood and into adult life.
"Phantasies - becoming more elaborate and referring to a wider range of objects and situations - continue throughout development and accompany all activities; they never stop playing a great part in all mental life" (Klein:1997:251)
-is a state of mind of an infant child during the early stages of development.
-stem from genetic needs, drives and instincts. They appear in symbolic form in dreams, play and neuroses.
They are constructed from internal and external reality, modified by feelings, and emotions, and then projected into both real and imaginary objects.
-are the means by which infants make sense of the external world and hence relate to it through Projection and Introjections.
"Infantile feelings and phantasies leave, as it were, their imprints

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