
Mental Depression Research Paper

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Mental illness is a widespread problem across the globe. While it affects every one in four people, media such as the newspaper and televised news tends to ignore the topic. Many people never see help because they have a fear of being judged or denied help. There are over one hundred different types of mental illnesses, the most commonly widespread one being depression affecting over three million cases each year.
One in five adults worldwide have or will have a mental illness sometime in their lifetime. Over half of all mental illnesses begin by the age of fourteen. Depression is one of the more common mental health conditions followed by anxiety and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Depression is the leading cause of disability from ages fifteen to forty four. “More investigation of the methods we use to diagnose depression and measure its prevalence in non-western countries is required” (Glynn). While that may be true, given the circumstances other countries have/experienced, the methods they use might be all they are able to use. …show more content…

While many like the idea of using these pills to coax away a mental illness, others are against the idea of it. There are over 100 types of pills that are supposed to help with a illness but all of them are not all effective. “ In the provider domain , practitioners both in psychology and medicine often are not as up to date on empirically tested treatments as researchers” (DeAngelis). This being said , there are many misdiagnosis and wrong prescriptions being handed out to people who do not need

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