
Method of Teaching and Learning

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Facilitating learning: Teaching and learning methods
Authors: Judy McKimm MBA, MA (Ed), BA (Hons), Cert Ed, FHEA Visiting Professor of Healthcare Education and Leadership, Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Postgraduate Medical School, University of Bedfordshire Carol Jollie MBA, BA (Hons) Project Manager, Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London This paper was first written in 2003 as part of a project led by the London Deanery to provide a web-based learning resource to support the educational development of clinical teachers. It was revised by Judy McKimm in 2007 with the introduction of the Deanery’s new web-based learning package for clinical teachers. Each of the papers provides a summary and background reading on a core topic in …show more content…

The changing NHS: what does this mean for teachers and learners? In the Theory and Practice paper you looked at some of key learning theories and how these might be used in clinical teaching. There have been some huge shifts in recent years in the NHS and Higher Education which have changed the cultures of both. Without going into long sociological explanations, it is useful just to think of some of the key changes and look at how these have impacted on the role of and expectations from clinical teachers. Since the late 1990s, when national initiatives to reform undergraduate and postgraduate medical education were introduced, medical education (which includes clinical training) has gradually placed greater expectations and more responsibilities on clinical teachers. The Department of Health initiative UMCISS (Undergraduate Medical Curriculum Implementation Support Scheme) which supported the reform of all undergraduate curricula in response to Tomorrow’s Doctors (GMC, 1993) had a huge impact on undergraduate medical education. New teaching and learning methods were introduced into courses such as problem based learning, video teaching and web based learning and the courses themselves became less informal and more structured in terms of design, delivery and evaluation. Courses were expected to clearly define aims and learning outcomes, modes of delivery and assessment and the national agencies responsible for

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