
Michael Kors From London: Genre Analysis

Decent Essays

Genre is a pivotal factor in regards to any type of writing, whether it be about business, science, or even fashion (see Bawarshi; Berkenkotter & Huckin; Pare; Winsor). Almost all of the people who write about writing share a similar opinion that the genre a person writes in has control over their dictation and form. Although a business document may have a variety of points that must be included (see Berkenkotter & Huckin), it is clear that all genres differ within themselves (see Pare). Based on the ideals of a group and/or society, the form and content of any given document may change. A person writing a review of Fall/Winter 2016 Fashion Show of Michael Kors from London may include details regarding color, fit, texture, technique, and overall aesthetic, while a writer from the United States may not go into as much detail and may focus on simpler, more basic factors for the semi-interested people of the United States, such as color and fit.

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