
Middle Adult Development

Decent Essays

BB was my family’s neighbor for most of my childhood and the mother of a close friend of mine, who is the same age as me. She presented most of the typical characteristics of middle adulthood growth and development, which is referenced in Appendix A. The only area where she deviated from the expected characteristics of this age group is the amount of contact with siblings and friends (Arnett 2016). Typically, individuals of this age group demonstrate a decline in the amount of contact they have with siblings and long-time friends. In the interview she noted that the relationship she has with her sister began to strengthen and there was an increase in the amount of time spent with her sister and friends as she entered into her 40’s. She believes this increase in socializing is due to her daughter becoming more autonomous. Aside from this deviation, …show more content…

She made a lot of comparisons between her current and past physicality and health. During the interview I wondered if she was going to make reference to any positive experiences of her developmental stage. I noticed a shift in her affect once we started talking about the relationships she has with her husband, parents, daughter, and friends. She how much easier and enjoyable they had become, particularly with her parents. The connections she has with the people she loves have grown deeper and have an added meaning to them. It was uplifting to hear that despite the inevitable decline in health, cognition and physicality, relationships become more meaningful and purposeful. Patients’ relationships, especially with their family, are important at any life stage. This information is important to keep in mind when caring for middle aged adults. Although there are legal ramifications around disclosing a patient’s medical issues, there is a lot that a nurse can do to remind the patient to incorporate their loved ones in whatever the patient may be going

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