
Mike Rose: The Labeling Theory Of Education

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There is an alarming rate of people who judge based on who they are and where they come from. The purpose of the class is to show us why education needs to be provided. We have learned that women, African Americans, Hispanics, and other minorities, are provided with limited opportunities in public education and in the job market. This concern has been brought up because it also directly points towards children who live in poverty. They say it affected who they will become and how they will act in school. This brings up the labeling theory when behaviors are deemed deviant only when society labels them as deviant. These could be individuals that could be politicians, teachers, or even police officers. By providing references from the past to present on how such an overwhelming problem still exists with discrimination and labeling. What I would prove that regardless of what sex, religion, race, and background of the individual is, no one should be held back from achieving that American Dream and good education that will help them succeed in life.

Mike Rose wrote a book concerning schools and its students. He writes several pieces of students that faces different situations and the challenge they faced. Whether how society has changed, the …show more content…

However the number of people participating in the labor force has lowered since 1978. Women who were ages 25 to 54 helped shaped the participation of the labor work force after 1948. However due to lack of policies such as parental and sick leave, day care or support for part time work have declined. The author also indicated that black men have suffered due to the fact that in 2010, black men were six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated which affects employment. The study by Pew Research Center and from Bureau of Justice Statistics say that incarcerated individuals are not counted in the labor

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