
Army Personal Statement

Satisfactory Essays

I have wanted to go into the military since i was very young. Most children say that they want to be a firefighter or a doctor, but i said that i wanted to be in the military. I remeber looking at pictures and learning about military officers and i felt called to be one of those men. My decision and dreams never changed, as most childrens do when they realize the work required. But for reasons beyond my comprehension, my desire of a miltary life never wavered. Both of my parents' fathers served in the military, one n the Air Force and one in the Army. They told me stories of their days in the military, bragging of their different branhes and I took what they said and choose a school that woud lead to a career in neither of their branches. …show more content…

I spent hours looking at all of the service academies, researching and discovering what a life after the service academy would be like. I looked at what being an officer meant, the responsibilities that i would have, the men that i would lead, and the men that i would follow. I read about career oppurtunities and the strengths of the academic programs that would me to be successful both during and after a military career. I discovered that my high aspirations for being an officer in the miitary were more reachable than i thought, but it would take a lt of hard work. I presented the school to my parents, neither of them military, but both having fathers in the military, and they were instantly very supportive of me. The summer following my sophomore year my family and i took a trip up to Annapolis to take a tour of the campus to see if it is where i actually wanted to go. While touring i felt like it was were i belonged and I almost refused to leave, but i knew that i had to go home and do my best in everything i did. While on the campus for a week long Navy track and field camp, i noticed that there was a sense of a bond very similar to that of a

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