
Naval Academy Application Essay Sample

Decent Essays

I originally became interested in Naval service because of my military heritage. When I was younger, both of my grandfathers took care of me every day while my parents went to work. One of my grandfathers served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War and the other served as a Merchant Marine during the Second World War and received the Purple Heart. Both of these veterans were instrumental in the early development of discipline and integrity. It is because of them that I gained a curiosity for military history. My grandfather that served as a Merchant Marine died when I was in first grade and it have always felt that it is my obligation to follow in his service to the United States by becoming an officer in the U.S. Navy. Once I started in high school, my grandfather that served in Korea began to tell me stories about his experience in the war which made me feel even further obligated to serve this great country. …show more content…

I had originally thought higher education and military service were mutually exclusive until I learned about the top level education provided at the various officer academies. I highly value knowledge and intellect and have always strived to distinguish myself from others in the areas of mathematics and science. I believe that the Naval Academy will provide me a an excellent learning environment with other cadets that also value education, hard work, and moral integrity. The academy also gives me an opportunity to become a commissioned Naval Officer. Becoming a Naval Officer and serving the country in the U.S. Navy will help me become a more knowledgeable and stronger individual, allow me protect this country while honoring all the men and women who have served in this nation's military since 1775, and making sure this country’s veteran’s sacrifices were not in

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