
Military Personal Values

Decent Essays

I am a leader with personal values that mirror the Army Values. As I reflect on my career, civilian and military, the values that I relate most to are: Integrity, Respect and Selfless Service. I believe leaders must have integrity, since they are the ones that subordinates look up to. Integrity is also something that peers and seniors can look upon to keep leaders on the correct path. If leaders are not credible, then we cannot be effective. As a leader we should motivate and encourage Soldiers to continue to be the best and they should want to emulate and surpass the things that we have taught them. I also believe that respect and selfless service are qualities of a good leader. As an instructor in the US Army Reserves, I have dedicated numerous …show more content…

My priorities are to maintain professionalism and to always be prepared. As I was growing in my Military career, I found at times that people were not prepared, things were given at the last minute. This was something I despised. I felt that type of behavior would degrade the credibility of the leader/speaker and also was a disadvantage to the Soldiers that were there to be trained. I put on the rank of Staff Sergeant in 2011, and became a squad leader, I fulfilled my responsibilities inherent in that role by keeping my Soldiers informed. If my Soldiers were to teach a class or give a training they knew well in advance and were prepared. I never want to see Soldiers suffer because of my own negligence. I work hard and I expect the same from my subordinates and peers. I expect subordinates to always remain honest and open with me. I am always willing to assist or help find a solution. I tell my Soldiers what I expect of them, I give initial counseling’s so they are aware of their job and responsibilities. Since taking on the job of an Instructor I have been mentoring new Soldiers in my unit that are on the path to become a certified instructor. I assist with mentoring during Battle Assembly’s and

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