Minimum ethical standards set up the business standards and code of Ethics because small businesses and privately held companies have ethical duties. Also something organizations have to stick with when carrying out affairs and the organizations can be either small business or privately owned. My answer is yes. The employer, employees, customers, and vendors are whom they owe duty to. Dignity, fairly, respects, and equally is the way we should all be treated. An organization can be successful if it’s being built on objectives, values, constraints, beliefs, and goals which boil down to the understanding of the organization. A great ethical habit consist of paying employees on time and also paying bills on time while promoting a climate that’s
Do you believe the ethical standards in America are generally increasing or decreasing? Give four specific reasons to support your answer.
Another important factor to consider is if each of the organization's employees is being treated fairly. An organization should ensure that they create and follow a code of ethics in which employees feel that both the employee and the employer are held accountable and encouraged to be ethical in treatment to one another. This translates as a feeling by employees that the employer trusts them in their jobs and professions and that all employees are treated fairly and justly in all actions and company pursuits. This means that each employee should be treated
Both key elements have an interactive relationship that helps in building profitable businesses, as well as a well-rounded community. Ethics refers to set of beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad. Therefore, Good ethical practice help build our business, as well as help our staff members to make ethical decisions. The decision of each official can affect the entire organization. Whereas, most people come from different background and culture which also plays a vital role in shaping their ethics. Business ethics involves the application of the issues in the workplace. While much unethical behavior is illegal, one important role of business ethics is to manage behavior that cannot be covered by government laws. The universal ethical standards, which involve respect, responsibility, and citizenship, are rules that apply to people and should be held high within the workplace. Social responsibility is the obligation of a business to contribute to society. The cheesecake restaurant social responsibility affects the environment, customers, investors, and our employees. (Bruning, 2014)
lawyer, how do we know if he is not like that towards other clients and judges. I understand that people get emotional when things like divorce and custody arises and things can get out of hand, but in this case, I feel he went a little overboard only thinking about himself and not considering the consequences this all had on his ex wife and minor child. He was definitely unprofessional and even one of the judges said “ if someone asks me what vexatious litigation looks like, the former husband's various filings in this divorce case, especially his antics in these post judgment proceedings, are an excellent example” (Judge Farmer, 1997). Judges and lawyers have a higher standard to go by, if this type of action is not tolerated when representing a client, then it definitely should not be tolerated by a lawyer in his own case.
Ethics, ethical values, and social responsibility should all work in unison in a corporate business structure. These key traits are better defined as maintaining overall good business morals, obtaining employees who possess personal ethical values, and finally to behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues. For a business to better ensure these quality business traits a code of ethics should be adopted by the business. In the cases of Bernie Madoff and Enron, the most well-known financial scandals in history, I feel, gave a major hand in pushing business all across America to have and enforce the code of ethics.
The majority of the time the use of HIM coders are involved in billing and reimbursements. However, coding specialists are important players within the healthcare industry.(Davis, 2014,2007,2002) They certify that providers maintain accuracy with coding procedures and government rules. (Davis, 2014,2007,2002) HIM functions and complex of regulatory requirements where coding can be very challenging. (AHIMA, 2016) The coders follow guidelines of the American Health Information Management Association AHIMA) Code of Ethics. (AHIMA, 2016) On the patient level, it is vitally important for the coder to code accurately because this information will trail the patient success throughout their course of treatment and beyond.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to act on behalf of the interests of young children. The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct offers guidelines for responsible behavior and sets forth a common basis for resolving the principal ethical dilemmas encountered in early childhood care and education promoting a commitment to integrity, veracity, fairness, and human dignity at all levels; nevertheless, further research and/or developments may change the current code and state of knowledge. NAEYC have a Statement of Commitment; however, isn’t part of the organization’s Code of Ethics; instead, it is used as a tool, for personal acknowledgement of an individual's willingness to
Ethics codes provide us with general conduct standards in which professionals are expected to adhere to. These standards are used to form a sense of unity and agreement within professional organizations. When I think about ethics, I believe it should be simple, but in reality, ethics are complex with multiple layers. Ethical codes are important to use as a guideline for acceptable behavior, but an ethics code will not be able to guide me with every situation. Because of this, it is important that I have my own personal sense of ethics and values. My ethical practice is based on my own values, cultural and religious beliefs, and practices. I tend to be a “heat of the moment” person. Ethics are important because I need a place to turn to when my personal feelings and emotions are clouding judgment.
Yes I agreed with the authors that a code of ethics should do more than establish minimum acceptable standards. As noted that, ethical behavior in any profession is about making correct judgment or decision that are based on established code of ethics. Businesses always drive the behavior that is expected in an organization. Successful businesses try to build high ethical culture from the top management level to the lowest and setting the standards for acceptable and unacceptable conduct in an organization.
Ethical standards in business are important for every leader to know and understand. The book Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know by: John C. Maxwell discusses ethics in the world today. When people make unethical choices, the reason they do because of three main pitfalls. People do what is most convenient to them, people tend to do what they must do to win, and people rationalize their choices with relativism. In this summary, Maxwell’s definition of business ethics will be framed, examples of ethical standards and guidelines, the meaning and contrast of ethical thinking and ethical behavior, and how to avoid these major pitfalls to live an ethical life. The
The ethical obligation of the defense attorney is set forth in what in most states is called the code of responsibilities for and attorney. The defense lawyer is a term more commonly applied to an attorney involved in defending a client in a criminal case with no issue on how guilty they are. Some call them warriors for equity, others use less approving terms. The point when a man is suspected of a wrongdoing, no one can remain alongside that person with the exception of his/her lawyer. Regularly the group and even the family will separate itself from a denounced, paying little mind to blame or guiltlessness. Employments are lost and lives demolished. At the littlest, the expense of protecting oneself will bankrupt most subjects. As the expense
Within my own career, I plan to follow certain core ethical values as a mandatory requirement. In my personal life, I have dealt with a lot of negative people or situations, which have left me with a positive outcome; I have learned what NOT to do or who NOT to be.
"Our results indicate that the informal methods ("manager sets an example" or "social norms of the organization") are likely to yield greater commitment with respect to both employee attitudes than formal methods ("training courses on the subject of ethics") (Adam, et al, 2004).
Business ethics, social, and environmental guidelines frame the expectations of an organization's stakeholders including customers, employees, and regulatory bodies. An organization's ethical guidelines encompass how the organization and its employees embody ethical principles in their dealings, with each other, and other stakeholders. Therefore, Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Farrell (2008) have defined Business ethics as "The principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business" (p.6). In many situations, individuals must incorporate their personal ethics to match those of the organization's ethical culture. For this reason, business ethics theory indicates that an organization's ethics are evident in its organizational mission and vision (Hummels & Timmer, 2004). This is because the mission and vision determine organizational structure and culture, and thereby organizational and individual behavior.
Every organization has a set of ethical standards that they abide by. The organization ethical standards purposes: it build the organization confidence in the community , keep the employees uniformed in what the organization strive to have as organizational behaviors and help the employees have guidelines to make ethical decisions that protects the organization.