
Minimum Follow Up Of 12 Weeks

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minimum follow up of 12 weeks. The authors subjectively categorized follow up times to short (12 weeks to 6 months), medium (6 months to 1 year), and long-term (greater than 1 year).
Each selected article was assessed for quality completed separately by the previous two authors using the Cochrane Back Review Group risk of bias criteria; greater than 6/12 indicated high quality or low risk of bias.8 The results from this assessment were included in the meta-analysis, in addition to another table with each study’s characteristics and results.
Results were grouped based on the comparison of intervention groups and the outcome in question (pain intensity or functional disability). Pooling of results depended on the outcome measures used for …show more content…

Results showed combined therapy had greater improvements. No statistical significance for pain intensity (15 pooled studies) or functional disability (13 pooled studies) at medium-term follow up was found.
The single study that compared behavioural therapy to a combined therapy found no statistical significance for pain or functional disability across all follow-up periods.10
In summary, the combined therapy of physical and behavioural therapy was found to be statistically and significantly better at improving pain intensity and functional disability than physical therapy alone; however, authors reported this difference was small. This means that combined therapy provided small benefits, thus authors suggested selecting rehabilitation therapies that are cost-effective in the context of time, resources, and patient preferences.
Authors offered reasons for the lack of statistically significant differences and the small effect sizes reported. Firstly, although different in their application, intervention effects, may converge onto the same mediating mechanisms within a person. Thus a physical therapy exercise may in fact result in changes to cognitive thinking such as self-efficacy for example. This means that although these two interventions appear to be different, they might target the same construct. Secondly, nonspecific factors

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