
Miracle Camp Narrative Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Kids. Cabins. Activities. Canoes. Jesus. June 2015, is the first time I went to Miracle camp. I was going into sixth grade at the time and was excited to go away for a whole week! Although it was in Lawton, Michigan, I still wanted to go to camp. (Complex). I went with Delaney Phillips, Brielle Beck, and Kylie Hasselbacher. There was a lake at the camp, and canoeing was an option you could do during free time. Since it was a beautiful day out, Delaney and I decided to go canoeing together (Complex). “We should go canoeing together today, or go we could go swimming(Compound)!” said Delaney “Um.. I don’t know about canoeing, what if we get stuck?” I said “We won’t! I know what to do.” “Okay, let's go get a life jacket.” We went over and got out life jackets. I was a little scared because I didn’t want to get stranded out there in the big lake. I had a feeling we would be fine though. Besides it will be fun, I thought, right? …show more content…

I remember the water was cold, but it was hot outside, so the water felt good (Compound). We didn’t have our swimsuits on because we didn’t think we would get wet. Before we knew it. We were floating out in the amazing lake(Complex). “Wow, this is super fun.” I said “I am glad we did this.” Delaney said, “Let's go out

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