
Greyhound Case Analysis

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Executive Summary MMI Product Placement (MMI), Inc. has an opportunity to represent Greyhound Canada as they look for cost effective ways to reposition their brand which they feel has become stale and are currently. Phil Hart, President of MMI, feels they are close to making a deal with Greyhound, but needs to alleviate Greyhound’s anxiety about product placement reaching the target market. Greyhound is considering the use of product placement and has approached MMI Product Placement, Inc. for a proposal. Paul Dillon, Marketing Director for Greyhound, has concerns about measuring the effectiveness of product placement and needs reassurance that product placement will give Greyhound added exposure to the target market, which are …show more content…

Operates on a retainer basis * Leveraged licensing fee * Ensures positive PP * Get products where customers live and play without being invasive * Subtle – do not look like a sales pitch * MMI reviews numerous scripts | * Difficulty in providing clients accurate results of PP * Operates on a retainer basis * Only offers PP, therefore limited clients * MMI’s use of People Meter, however data is not definitive * PQS is only as accurate as inputs used * No generally accepted performance measures * Measuring size of audience time consuming and costly | Opportunities | Threats | * PP has had strong growth since mid 1980’s * PP growth in TV * $2.21US spent globally on PP * By 2010 PP will be present in 75% of shows * Consumer awareness increased by characters endorsing product * PP still relatively small portion of TV ad spending, room for growth * Brand marketers will pay premium for the right PP * Digital brand integration – regions specific PP | * Competition of full-service ad agencies * Large ad agencies offering PP – acquiring smaller PP agencies * Automation and standardization – scripts being uploaded for bidding * Risk of poor PPs * TV Networks becoming proactive in combining PP with traditional adsExtrapolating audience findings over larger pool can result in faulty conclusions | Market Analysis Product placement was embedded into popular entertainment products in order to encourage their consumption in

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