
Product Placement

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Journal of Management and Marketing Research

Product placement effectiveness: revisited and renewed
Kaylene Williams California State University, Stanislaus Alfred Petrosky California State University, Stanislaus Edward Hernandez California State University, Stanislaus Robert Page, Jr. Southern Connecticut State University ABSTRACT Product placement is the purposeful incorporation of commercial content into noncommercial settings, that is, a product plug generated via the fusion of advertising and entertainment. While product placement is riskier than conventional advertising, it is becoming a common practice to place products and brands into mainstream media including films, broadcast and cable television programs, computer and video …show more content…

(Panda, 2004; Cebrzynski, 2006) That is, product placement in popular mass media provides exposure to potential target consumers and shows brands being used or consumed in their natural settings (Stephen and Coote, 2005). Ultimately, the product or brand is seen as a quality of the association with characters using and approving of the product placement, for example, Harold and Kumar on a road trip to find a White Castle, Austin Powers blasting into space in a Big Boy statue rocket, Will Ferrell promoting Checkers and Rally 's Hamburgers in the NASCAR comedy Talladega Nights, MSN appearing in Bridget Jones ' Diary, BMW and its online short films, 's Amazon Theatre showcasing stars and featured products, Ford and Extreme Makeover, Tom Hanks and FedEx and Wilson, Oprah giving away Buicks, Curious George and Dole, Herbie and VW, Simpsons ' and the Quik-E-Mart, Forrest Gump and the Bubba Gum Shrimp Co. restaurants, Jack Daniels and Mad Men, and LG phones in The Office, just to name a few. In addition, Weaver (2007) gives numerous examples of

Product placement effectiveness, Page 2

Journal of Management and Marketing Research product placements related to tourism, for example, the film Sideways promoting wine tourism in California’s Napa Valley, the Ritz-Carlton hotel chain selling Sealy mattresses on the Internet, Holiday Inn Express selling Kohler’s Stay Smart shower head, Showtime and HBO in

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