
Modern World Of The New World

Decent Essays

In 2015, there is no need to talk about our world getting defined by technology. Everything we know and everything we deal with has been converted into digital sense and to digital state. Moreover, the majority of objects surrounding us have received a description of “smart”, which no longer confuses our understanding. The world has become more demanding to technology and more sophisticated to its choices. The way to satisfy a contemporary customer is to design a device that would maintain as many functions as possible in as small gadget as it gets. Therefore, modern world of the new decade is called mobile world.

Even though mobile phones have been in operation for three decades now, a fierce competition between mobile platforms has been going on since the spread of smart phones, which started in 2010. This struggle basically divided the world into supporters of iOS and Android giants, with others going for three more giants like Blackberry OS, Windows Phone 7, and Symbian. In fact, mobile platforms deal not exceptionally with smart phones, but also operate software on other portable devices like tablets or laptops. A must-have in a fast-paced world, mobile platforms have integrated into every sphere of life. Therefore, they are an extremely relevant and important issue to study in a research paper.

Our research is going to deal with the study of the role that mobile platforms play in a modern society, as means and tools of information delivery. In our

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