
More Specifically, I Am Very Interested In Increasing Female

Decent Essays

More specifically, I am very interested in increasing female enrollment in STEM in my college due to the low enrollment in computer science and engineering classes. There are a significantly lower number of female community college students enrolled in the STEM field, especially in the areas of computer science, engineering, and technology. Per the US Census Bureau statistics, women comprise 48% of the total workforce but only make up 27% of computer workers, 24 % of STEM, and only 13% of engineers. This implies that many engineering products that influence our daily lives have been created without input from women, who make up a large portion of the population. Increased diversity in STEM occupations encourages creativity and innovation …show more content…

By targeting the number of enrolled female students at community colleges, we can increase the number of women college graduates and thus address the issue of the gender gap in the workforce. This would help achieve the overall goal of facilitating creativity and innovation by increasing diversity in STEM occupations. Any initiatives and programs designed for this purpose should also take into account possible etiologies of this gender discrepancy. Some well-known contributing factors to the lower number of female community college students enrolled in STEM courses include negative gender stereotypes regarding aptitude towards mathematics and science, and a decreased number of female faculty members in college and universities.
I am personally invested in looking for solutions to the question: how can we increase female community college enrollment in STEM and thereafter to decrease the gender gap in the workforce? In order to find these solutions, it is important to understand how the brain and mind function differently between students with gender and cultural differences in community college. I am fascinated with learning and applying a knowledge of both neuroscience and cognitive theory to improve teaching and learning. I am constantly investigating how and what I can do as a community college educator to improve the current gender gap in STEM classrooms and thereby the workforce. I believe

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