
Mosaic Angelman's Syndrome Case Study

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1. How did you learn that Kyle has a disability? (Who was present? When did this happen?) If you were giving advice to professionals who need to explain to a parent that his/her child has a special need, what would that advice be?
Kyle’s mother, Kellie, Kellie’s mother, and Kyles Father, Clint were present at the time of the diagnosis. Kyle has such a unique disability that his doctor is over three hours from their home. Because of these circumstances, Kyle’s diagnosis was actually given over the phone, and they scheduled a time to drive up for a discussion of the diagnosis.

2. How did you feel when you received the diagnosis?
There was a great sense of relief in hearing Kyle’s diagnois of Mosaic Angelman’s Syndrome because he was 5 ½ years old by the time we finally received the diagnosis. He had already been with the same doctor for over three years, so naturally this was frustrating, especially considering the fact that Kyle is nonverbal.
3. Have your feelings changed since the initial diagnosis? Describe.
That is a hard question. We are really the same as every other family in the sense that our feelings change. You love your children, and you face their challenges and their succeses with them. This same principle of emotions is true for all four of our children.
4. What have been the positive aspects of having a child in the family with a disability?
This would just turn into a lengthy rabbit trail of the positive aspects of having children, …show more content…

One, because they are like family to us and I never knew her struggles, and two, because the entire IEP process is failing her miserably for the most part. Kyle and every other child, deserves an opportunity to learn and grow. This situation is the perfect opportunity to incorporate the strengths based IEP. It was very confusing to me as to why the IEP process was not being overhauled in Kyle’s situation when his history is showing that they are not

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