
Motivation At Work Place For The Workplace

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Motivation at Work Place
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Abstract 3
Introduction 3
Problem 4
Analysis 6
Maslow hierarchy of needs 7
Alderfer’S ERG theory 8
Acquired needs theory 8
Cognitive evaluation theory 8
Two factor theory (Herzberg) 9
Equity theory 9
Reinforcement theory 10
Expectancy theory (Vroom) 10
Recommendation and conclusion 10
Conclusion 10
Recommendation 11
Develop a positive work climate 11
Employee development 11
Focus more on intrinsic and extrinsic motivators 11
Adopt strict hiring practices 11
Recruit managers and supervisors with the right characteristics and leadership skills 12
Develop incentive-based programs 12
References 13

This report will explore the problem of motivation at the workplace. Human resource practitioners now consider motivation as the biggest challenge to the modern workplace. Numerous surveys done in the UK and elsewhere in the world suggest that only a fraction of total employees is happy with their job. This is problematic because employee output is dependent on their level of motivation. Demotivated workers impose a cost on the employer due lost productivity. In other words, companies can improve performance of their organization by investing in improving employee motivation at work. From a theoretical perspective, employees lose their motivation if their needs are not met. Maslow hierarchy of needs suggests that employees can be motivated by meeting their needs. This paper also examines

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