
Mrs Rinzels Book Report

Decent Essays

In Mrs.Rinzels class, we are expected to follow a certain set of rules and expectations. First off, we have to come prepared, and ready to learn each and everyday. Prepared means your chromebook is fully charged, you have the supplies you need, and you are ready to learn. The second rule is to use the restroom before class. We have 4 minutes and we are expected to use it wisely. Also, we must limit side conversations. When Mrs.Rinzel is talking we are quiet and listening. We must raise our hand, and ask permission before we get up and move around the room, no matter what it is we are needing to do. We are also expected to close our chromebooks when she is speaking. The students are only allowed to use their chromebooks for school appropriate …show more content…

It is admiring someone because of their superiority, their achievements, their knowledge, and overall the kind of person they are. When looking to respect someone, we make an overall evaluation of that person. We value them by their traits. Respect is what separates humans from animals. Without respect, everyone would put their opinion in, and not trust other’s ideas and thoughts. The younger generation of people are expected to respect their elders because they are wiser and more experienced. People also show respect to the ones that help them achieve their goals and ambitions. Employees show respect to their employers. Athletes show respect to their trainers, coaches, referees, and fellow teammates. Students show respect to their teachers. One could also respect politicians, scientists, doctors, and …show more content…

First off, I can always be better in my actions. I can associate myself with people who can give me the respect that I deserve. Secondly, I could utilize my time more wisely. I can thoroughly read my tests and papers in order to get the most information that I can. I could proofread everything I do to check for mistakes. To improve my behavior, I can help the people around me be more respectful as long as I am leading by example. I also don’t have sports this semester so I am available to come to tutoring. I have good grades in my other classes, which allows me to focus more on english. Honestly, it is one of my top priorities to get an A in this class by the end of the semester. I will do what needs to be done to achieve that

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