The book list will help teacher with what they need to base their lesson around. For an example if it Black History Month, the teacher can easily pull out her multicultural book list and look up famous African Americans. She could even have different groups that will read different multicultural book, and all should will have to do is go the book list and pick out how many she needs. Multicultural book list is not just a list of books, it’s also combine with teacher resources. Such as maps, movies, games, and many more resources to help build a lesson for diverse learners. While having diverse learners you will have to know how to teach them. I feel diverse students learn better when their cultural is being involve, that’s when the multicultural
2. “Including ethnic and cultural diversity content in the curriculum” Seek out and use only factually based information on different cultural traits. “This is needed to make schooling more interesting and stimulating for, representative of, and responsive to ethnically diverse students,” and this is a teacher’s ultimate goal in being culturally
The Diversity Committee has been actively working to bring a track of sessions to the upcoming PACRAO Conference that promises to focus on the most prevalent diversity issues of our times. As part of this track, we will be offering a book club session that we believe will encourage interaction and thoughtful discussion on stereotypes and how they affect all of us – including how they affect our students while they are attending our institutions.
I would like to consider my cultural heritage as diverse, but this is far from reality. Over the years as I matured through my teenage years, I was exposed to different cultures by life experiences and travel. I struggled to create both a personal and cultural identity while trying to adjust to my sight loss and with the support of my family I traveled overseas to experience other cultures for the first time. My family opened up their home to a foreign exchange program in turn allowing me the opportunity to travel over to Europe at the age of 16 years old. This opportunity started the slow progression of experiences that would open my mind to others who are unlike myself, especially traveling to a strange place and feeling different in
Throughout the entirety of "Cultural Diversity: A World View", Thomas Sowell clearly establishes the distinction between the modern interpretation of "diversity" and that which he accepts as truth. Sowell uses this separation from the accepted definition of diversity as a foundation upon which he builds his argument. In disentangling both himself and his statements from the convoluted explanations of diversity, he is able to view this concept through a historical and global lens which gives a solid basis for his argument. This approach can be observed through the first major point presented which highlights the inevitable impact which all cultures have on other groups. Whether it is an exchange of natural resources, such as
| Native Americans (American Indians)As the name suggests, these were the first people (natives) who lived in North America, Alaska and Hawaii. After Europeans settled in the U.S., native
The “We Need Diverse Book” campaign is a campaign focuses on creating more diversity in children's books. Diversity isn't just race, it is people with disabilities, people apart of the LGBTQ community, etc. All children deserve to see themselves in books. Because when children don't see themselves in books they may not feel as connected to the human experience. At the same books are more than mirrors, they are windows full of opportunity. Not only is it important for children to see themselves in books, but it is also important for them to read about people who are not like them. It is only then that will will understand the world around us.
The side in opposition to multiculturalism firmly believes that it weakens America by keeping immigrants from adequately assimilating to the core values of America’s Anglo Protestant identity. This side believes that multiculturalism weakens the “social bond” of the United States by denying that immigrants need to assimilate to the language and values of the country’s dominant culture. The rise of non-English speaking communities is seen as a detrimental factor in the goal of achieving unity in American culture. Opponents state that immigrants coming to the United States must always lose their previous culture from their country of origin, to be able to completely assimilate to and fully embrace
The concept of globalization, which is the increasing integration and interdependence of different countries from one another in terms of economic, communication, and technological aspects, leads one to address the concept of cultural diversity or multiculturalism. Cultural diversity in the health-care system touches lives of many Americans in one way or another. No matter what our own cultural background is, when we go receive medical care, we may encounter a care giver who comes from a different cultural background than ours(Naylor 1997,291).. In the concept of cultural diversity, it can be recognized that two terms are equally important. The first concept is culture, which refers to the total way of life of individuals, and the unique
After reading the many articles on the notion of diagnosis and counseling with multicultural/ethnic patients, it has come to my attention that this focus is solely based on stereotypical attitudes. Sure, it can be said that it is important for a therapist to have a background of the patient’s heritage and culture, but doesn’t this necessarily mean that the outlook of the therapist will be put in a box by doing so? I think multicultural competency is a ridiculous way to improve patient-therapist relationships because of several reasons. First off, generalities and race-centralisms only hinder, not improve, the inner workings of a therapy session. Second, there is no real way to test
The United States serves as a culturally rich country who opens its arms to individuals from many different ethnicities, backgrounds, and life experiences. It seeks to be the melting pot of a blended group of people, providing opportunity and equity for all. Consequently, our educational system is the cornerstone for providing equal opportunity for all persons. Therefore, as the United States continues to be immersed with individuals from various cultures, the educational system must consistently seek to assure that educational opportunities are equally distributed to our students. In order for this task to be accomplished, developing a well-defined illustration of what multicultural education is necessary.
In the quest to make education a more equitable, empowering force for all scholars, irrespective of racial and demographic background, no fight garners as much urgency as that to close the literacy gap. Whereas science, social studies, or math may or may not enter the daily discourse of a wealthy family as it raises its child, reading will unquestionably monopolize a statistically significant portion of child rearing time. Betty Hart and Todd R Risley outline the devastating scale of this schism in their work “The Early Catastrophe: The 30 Million Word Gap by Age 3,” which
There are many factors that play a role in the learning process for every human being. Race, religion, language, socioeconomics, gender, family structure, and disabilities can all affect the ways in which we learn. Educators must take special measures in the delivery of classroom instruction to celebrate the learning and cultural differences of each of their students. As communities and schools continue to grow in diversity, teachers are searching for effective educational programs to accommodate the various learning styles of each student while promoting acceptance of cultural differences throughout the classroom. It no longer suffices to plan educational experiences only for middle-or upper class white learners and then
In sixteen years of life, I have received an opportunity to experience different cultures, learning styles, and languages. To start of, I am an American since I was born here, but the reality is that I was raised in India. My parents’ main motivation for moving back to India was because they wanted us to embrace our traditions, and most importantly, value our family relationships. We relocated back to the US at the start of 9th grade. This transition was a huge factor for transforming me as a person. I am cognizant of the two systems, cherish both, and realize that these multicultural experiences have encouraged me to grow and mature beyond my years. Relocating from a place is not as easy as one can imagine. When compared to the US, India
Ask any American how they feel about multiculturalism you are likely to get one of two responses: either a cringe or a smile. Those that cringe will say something along the line of “Multiculturalism is the wrong way to look at things. It separates us by saying that everyone is different instead of saying that we are the same and unifying us.” Those that smile will talk about how great multiculturalism is because they get to see aspects of all different cultures on television and on the radio and they are free to explore all the different things that various cultures have to offer. In actuality, one cannot help but wonder if either of these responses reflects the true meaning of multiculturalism? What do
Multicultural literature is a way of increasing cultural awareness. Through multicultural books many young readers are able to make a connection with their own culture