The 4th Dimension is the Creative Self. The idea of this dimension is to provide creative ways in order to promote a positive impact in the world and those who surrounds us. There are 5 different creative ways to do this : having a positive humor, working, thinking, feeling a sense of control of our lives and through our emotions. The element of thinking is based on the creative ways to develop solutions when facing an adversity as well as having a positive mind. Avoiding negative thoughts can be really helpful. I have always been a really positive person and optimistic. When it comes to times where I feel stressed or sad about what is happening, I always find myself looking for positive aspects that will make me feel better about myself …show more content…
According to the book “People who have realistic expectations when they face difficult life events tend to respond with more resilience than those who have no anticipation or those who expects the worst.” In order to have realistic expectations it is important to examine our own belief and the people who surround us. Personally, I consider that overall I am a person who “has its feet on the ground”, therefore I am able to face up to difficult situations and work hard to achieve my goals. I am aware of the talents that God has provided me and also the things that I am not exactly good at it.Our mission in this world as human beings should be help others and engage in different service opportunities in a way to share those talents that were given to each one of us. Working and sharing with others is a way of having control of our lives and our destiny. For me, it is important to handle carefully every situation I encounter and therefore be in control of the present and the future events. It is important to have realistic expectations of ourselves and those who surrounds us. Every time I am facing an adversity, I always try to find solutions on how to solve my problems and how will that benefit me in the future or if not how does that adversity help me grow as a person. Enhancing our creative skills helps us to overcome challenges and face adversity with a positive mind and
Having a define description of how one desire their life should be, give them the energy to make positive effort in achieving their desired goals, but when there is a lack of a brighter view of the future it is can stand as an obstacle to resolve their present issues. Everyone want a miracle when given an opportunity, because in life there are so many challenges that can affect the desired outcome.
People express the decisions they reach each day and their desire to alter some of the outcomes. As I observe the world around me, some just graduating high school ours rebuilding themselves for something better in life. Everyone is striving to be something in life; it’s as if the returns are boundless by the time you graduate college. Just learning to watch people and the decisions they make can affect the means which I adopted to pick my profession. Becoming a paramedic educated me on surveying people and their habits. Being empathetic amongst the things you do, sometimes comes with a penalty, others come with admiration. The unique obsession that urges me to exceed each time is knowing that each human being is helped, through everything
“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.” What the Roman poet Horace was saying was that when there is an obstacle in our way, our true colors will radiate. I could not agree more. When we as human beings feel passionate about achieving a goal, we may learn something new of ourselves, maybe a new trait that we did not know we possessed, when we reach new heights we did not know we could push ourselves towards. Challenges are similar to tests. Challenges are faced every day, but how we respond to them determines how strong we really are. Prime examples are superheroes and students that move dramatically.
My view on how to be successful in life is to take initiative, set goals, and plan to make prosperous things happen in your life. Yet, this planning does not assure that your future path will be free of pot holes, road blocks, or detours along the way. Having adversities in your life can make you a versatile person. You can develop dexterity by having to use resources and abilities you never deemed relevant or possible. The unanticipated
The Transtheoretical Model lays out stages a person goes through for change. In this case it is making positive changes to prevent childhood obesity. The stages are
Few people have control over the cards that life hands them, many life circumstances are out of our control. Fortunately, with a strong head and a good attitude most people are able to take the cards that they have been dealt, evaluate changes that need to be made and make them. You don’t have to take what you’ve been given, you have to work for what you want.
Out of all four dimensions, I believe that I am good self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness. With self-awareness, I am in tune with understanding my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. This occurs often during group works where I feel it gives me an accurate self-assessment. Self-management relates to me as well for I am able to be flexible in a changing environment while looking at the positive side of things. An example of this would definitely be working a retail where you have to have high self-management. As a team member, you have to be trustworthy and flexible, as people call out regularly. With social awareness, I do a lot of understanding in situations and with people as I feel it is a great way to build sociability. I also experience this in the workplace, school, and with friends and
As much as I wished to live through uninterrupted success, I’ve come to accept with a much more open mind that the best way to face challenges is to do so with
The more I observe, the more I understand who I am. I come from a small town in a very cold part of the world, where very few exciting events occur. This means, I have to work extra hard to become an artist. I remember having my neighbor say, “You aren’t an artist until I buy a painting from you,” and she did. I never wanted the money, but I did enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that what I create makes others happy. So many people in town encourage me and support me with my dreams, and all I do in return is help them back in return. When people need a little sunshine on gray, winter days, I am there to lend them my happiness. That is why I am able to succeed. When failure strikes his wrath upon me, I learn from the mistakes rather be held back –being optimistic allows me to grow much quicker than if I were to be
Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous writer, once said, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” This quote, in particular, resonates with me as an artist. It reminds me of a chain of events that I experienced while trying to win a local art contest. Once you get comfortable drawing or painting the same things over and over, it can be hard to try something new. You have spent all this time to be successful in one thing, why start, and potentially fail, on another? It can be hard to step out of your comfort zone, but in order to learn, it is something we all have to do at some point or another. The experiences I had in relation to this quote prove exactly the point that Ralph Waldo Emerson was trying to make; we all must branch out and try new things in order to learn and prosper.
Like the young man in the Gospel story, perhaps you too are experiencing situations of uncertainty, anxiety or suffering, and are yearning for something more than a life of mediocrity. It makes you ask yourselves: “What makes a life successful? What do I need to do? How should I plan my life? “What must I do for my life to have full value and full meaning?” (ibid., No. 3).
The Jeffersonian Democracy, What was the Jeffersonian Democracy? It’s a movement led by Thomas Jefferson.There was a lot of movements that went on during this time, Jefferson Presidency,The war of 1812,The Era of Good Feelings,and The Slavery and The Antebellum South.These movements are important because they affect our country whether the country evolve by growing or get worse and worse.The society and economy can increase in many ways like money can come in and help economy will get improved new things.The way america looked was Europe was all over the map,Russia had control of the fur trade in Alaska,Spain controlled a large part of North America with major cities,and France also took control of a state that they gained during the Napoleonic Wars 1801.“In 1800 United States of America was a new & weak nation sharing North America with other European powers”.The population increased by two million people since 1800-1810.,the south was big for that especially they’re best crops were rice and tobacco. Eli Whitney is important he help the south with the Cotton Gin in 1793, the cotton gin is useful for “separating seed from cotton” according to what Ms.Ironman stated during lectures.
You have to have determination, imagination, and inspiration. However, in order to have these three elements in your life, you’ve got to be a positive person first. Don’t let anybody hold you back. I know many of you are underestimated, misunderstood, and judged by negative family members. Some might even think that you are a failure; I know,
Another category included in the first dimension is called “Self-Transcendence” and it is measured by how far we come in our spiritual journey transcending our physical needs. We humans, must sometimes take time to ourselves thought the day to put our mind and body in a calm state.