
My Best Teacher

Decent Essays

If you teach and the students do not learn anything it is not your fault it is your job to teach the students the curriculum, and it is the student's job to pay attention and to listen to the teacher. If they don’t learn anything they will say that it is your fault but in actuality they either didn’t pay attention in the class or he wasn’t even there. Most teachers have beliefs when they teach like the belief that there students can succeed in the class and in life through their teachings. They set goals they have a vision for their students. Then the teacher makes sure the goals become the everyday priority of their students. Teachers also plan carefully and purposefully for their students. Always push your kids to be the very best so that they can succeed. Always strive to be the best teacher that you can be. Don’t take your job too seriously. You need to think like a kid to understand kids. Just don’t try to be too much like them. Remember to give them space. Remember that kids have their own language. Just remember that as a teacher you are shaping the future of the world so you want to teach them right . always remember to never hold yourself above anyone else as a teach you are supposed to be the line that separates the kids from the adults. i’m really just taking out of my but at this point i completely forgot about doing this thing until the day it was due and now i'm just trying to get at least six pages done for this project because it’s worth three hundred

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