
My Career As A Sex Therapist Essay

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The occupation that I have chosen for this assignment is a Sex Therapist. I am a senior at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse and my career goal is to become a Sex Therapist, for the future. How I got interested in this occupation is that I knew that I wanted to help people in some way, but I didn’t exactly know how I was going go about that. I grew up in a family environment that talked about sex very openly. Which today, has made me feel comfortable taking about sex and I have found that sexual topics are interesting to learn about. I changed my major to Psychology, which will help me prepare for my career, because I plan to work in a clinical setting that deals with diagnosing people based on their behaviors. Studying psychology is all about the mind’s functions and how it affects behavior. In the following paragraphs I will explain in-depth of background knowledge and the educational requirements for pursuing a career as a Sex Therapist. Also, providing information about the salary, competitiveness, type of job locations, and expectations. For this assignment I interviewed Jill O’Brien, who is a Physical Therapist that works at Gundersen and runs her own clinic that specializes in Pelvic Health. This is not the exact career that I want, but her specialized interest is something similar to the type pf clients I could work with in the future. I could not job shadow a Sex Therapist, due to confidentiality reasons. These are the topics I will be describing in more depth

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