
My Catholic School Leadership Skills

Decent Essays

My Catholic School leadership abilities have developed over many years of experience being involved in my diocese, first as a student, then as an employee and then as a mother who raised and educated three children in that same diocese. These many years of exposure have helped me to cultivate leadership qualities that I am proud to share. I am a whole hearted supporter of Catholic education having experienced the benefits and rewards that only a Christ centered learning environment can provide from the perspective of student, parent and educator. I assumed the role as a Catholic school leader with a mission to spread God’s word and with the knowledge that Christ is the center of my life. My Faith in God and his loving, forgiving, unseen presence is the greatest gift I have, the component that I could not exist without. This life of Christ within me makes me who I am, and guides me to do what I do. Based on this foundation, I believe that Christ is the reason for my school. I am drawn to follow His example by striving to find ways to be a servant leader for His children and faith community with their unique gifts, needs, and abilities.
In becoming the principal that I am now, I have relied upon leadership practices that were modeled for me in my own Catholic school experiences and which are as varied as the administrators that I was fortunate enough to work with along the way. I started my leadership journey with a plan for how I would lead and then I learned from

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