Each morning I wake up and I put on my uniform. As I lace my boots and fix my collar, I ask myself why I put this uniform on every morning. My answers vary by day, but it all comes down to responsibility. A seemingly specific answer can actually be quite broad. I fulfill a duty responsibility to myself, my community, my country, and my world. Ever since I was a kid, I always had big dreams and goals for my life. Now that I have more experience and I have started my college career, I continue to set high goals and standards for myself because my primary job is being a leader of one. This is why I have a responsibility to my curiosity, passions and my education. I am currently enrolled in the College of Engineering as well as the Honor College. I plan to earn a major in Biological Systems Engineering accompanied by a double minor in Green Engineering and Arabic. My curiosity and dedication to my learning has driven me to pursue these fields. In my time at Virginia Tech I hope to complete a study abroad program in an Arabic speaking country. A scholarship …show more content…
Growing up in the United States, I have had many privileges that other kids are deprived. It is important to me that I serve my country and protect the place that promotes freedom and opportunity. My responsibility to my country is to give back through service. If I am unable to continue my path towards military service I plan to give back through programs such as AmeriCorps. Even though the United States is a developed and advanced country, there are still places that could use improvement. Through AmeriCorps, I can help after natural disasters, help with education, or help areas suffering poverty. Virginia Tech offers a high quality education and practical experience that I can use to equip me with the knowledge and skills to help give back to my country. First, I want to serve my country then I want to serve my
Service brings me great joy, and I continually seek ways that I can help those around me. The day after school gets out, my youth group and I are leaving for Mexico City to serve with an organization, Niños de Mexico, that provides a safe house for orphans and children from broken homes. I also recently committed to volunteering my time each Sunday with the kids at my church. My efforts to serve extend through my daily life as well, for example, when sister has had a rough day, I make her tea or brownies. I take care of my neighbor’s kids for free when they’re having a busy week. None of these tasks feel like work to me, I love to help people as much as possible. I look forward to the new service opportunities National Honor Society will provide.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Is one of the many questions that are asked by teachers and adults. Through the research and development of this paper, I feel that I am finally prepared to answer that question. College has always been in my plans but which college? Well, I have it narrowed down to three excellent and well -known colleges. Ohio University of Athens, The Ohio State University of Columbus and Miami University are the colleges that I feel would foremost prepare me to become an athletic trainer.
Naval Academy offers an exceptional education and impressive academic internships with institutions such as NASA & Boeing and summer training cruises within the Navy itself. These challenging opportunities will enable me to further develop my leadership & critical thinking skills. I have successfully used these skills in the past, but a Naval Academy education will further refine them, allowing me to serve my country fully, both on active duty and in the years to follow.
My Responsibility to America is to be a Teacher. A teacher's role is to help the children to educate and persuade them through their future. I feel like it makes a difference in society , not only society but in the child's future.
My Responsibility to America There are approximately 3.25 million citizens in America, and I am one of them. Each individual person has different responsibilities to conduct including me. Some of my responsibilities to America include honoring the American flag, respecting every single one of my veterans, and continuing all of the American traditions that have been in place for decades. The first and one of the most important of my responsibilities is honoring the flag.
I think that my responsibility to my country is to give back. The United States of America is my home; it’s where I took my first steps, where I was taught to grow, to be kind. I believe that it’s my duty to give back to my community, my state, my whole life, by becoming a good person. When I say “good person” I don’t mean just saying nice things to people. I mean actually standing up and making a positive difference in my community’s lives, including mine.
My responsibility in america is to respect each and every veeran that has fought for america's freedom. When I hear the national anthem come on i do my part to stand and recognize all the people who have risked their life for me.
In closing, my personal responsibility to America, is to be a patriot through and through, in everything I do. Patriotism is a steady dedication of a lifetime, and something I will continue my whole life. I could still go into an immense variety of careers, but I will always work to better our country and keep the American dream
During my time at The University of Texas at Arlington I plan to achieve my goals of becoming successful academically all while being voluntarily active in the UTA community to better benefit the university. Ultimately, my goal is to be admitted to medical school by the time I graduate. The biology degree that I am working to receive will pay dividends towards my personal goals of becoming an exceptional medical school applicant. As I move on in life, the lessons learned from both the medical institution I am fortunate enough to be admitted to and UTA will serve me in the primary aspect of my life goal and that is to help those in need. Coming from a third world country with helpless citizens, poor sanitary conditions, and subpar health standards
As American citizens, it is our responsibility to reach our highest potential. That potential in our career, our families, our way of living, and by being the best person we can be. Every citizen has their own responsibilities, none being exactly the same, but some being very similar. As citizens, we owe it to America to hold our country to the highest standard. We, the citizens make our country a great place to live. We are responsible for making that statement true. Some citizens’ responsibility is minimal, while others take on a higher responsibility. America is full of opportunities to find responsibility. We take whatever responsibility fits us, and use it to better our country. I, too, have a responsibility to America; my responsibilities including serving my country, working in my career, and achieving my dreams.
DI would say, successfully starting over as a non traditional student is my most meaningful achievement to date. While I've achieved most, if not all, goals that I've set to carry out, Most meaningfully, coming to terms with a juvenile decision and not giving up serves as my most telling accomplishment.
In JROTC there is a creed that I use to build my beliefs on, it is my foundation that helps me through life. The quote is,” I am an Army Junior ROTC Cadet I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the corps of cadets, I am loyal and patriotic, I am the future of the United States of America, I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my action and deeds, I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism , I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body, I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way of life, May God grant me the strength to always live by this creed.” I consider this creed to be my responsibility to America because I know that in the future I want to be a strong leader. Our country was founded upon a set of beliefs and principles these were that people were all created equal regardless of race and gender and that they had the right of liberty, freedom of speech, and free to worship any
A sense of duty, that is what has been the backbone for every nation since the creation of the world. It is the reason why young men with a future ahead of them put their lives on the line for their country. But this sense of duty has changed over the years. From a privilege especially in the christian faith. To something that you expect another person to do, and it’s just not for you.
Attributes that a responsible and faithful citizen acquires; many of which include respecting the laws and authority, diversity, property, and the environment. A responsible citizen contributes to the community, has a willingness to learn, is considerate, and many other characteristics. But words can never describe the act taken upon in such manner of cede as in 9/11. Through my citizenship and the courageous acts taken during and after 9/11, I have learned that serving is one of my many responsibilities, responsibilities that can be acted upon now or in the future. I currently serve in my church, high school, and family. In the future, I will be serving on government requirements such as: jury duty, paying taxes, and the option of voting. I have found that as an American, my citizenship is a treasure I must take pride in. Privileges and rights are just a factor of having a citizenship. The Founding Fathers of our nation believed in citizenship and my responsibilities are a minor act of gratitude towards the efforts and honor to others who have gone before me to do the same for the past
In 2009, 63.4 million Americans volunteered by choice.I have always believed that serving was a matter of the heart, and we were born to serve. I have always been eager to serve others. Serving others brings me joy. I have a desire to serve,currently I serve in the outreach ministry a my local church . Through connecting with other volunteers we are able to make a huge impact in communties. We dontate