
My Cultural Backgrounds

Decent Essays

Diversity is a very significant part of my life, so to hear that Wellesley celebrates women of all different cultural backgrounds is one the biggest attractions that Wellesley has to offer for me. As a woman who comes from a family that consists two different languages and multiple minority races, it is often hard for me to feel represented and included, let alone celebrated. For many people, when they hear the word “diversity” they envision only a group of minorities. For myself, diversity is not just about including those with brown skin, it is about the exchange of all cultures and ideas. From political views, to language, to food, to pop culture, the exchange of these ideas makes for a diverse community and it is clear to me that Wellesley represents this idea of sharing experiences. I much as I love when I see faces that look like mine, I am equally thrilled when I encounter an opportunity to learn about someone else’s …show more content…

The experience of learning about the backgrounds of my closest friends from the Philippines, Brazil, and Myanmar is an experience I would love to replicate at Wellesley. Also, it is an amazing feeling when someone else wants to learn about my own background and upbringing. It makes me feel significant, interesting, and loved to know that my stories are also being told and heard. Every time I met someone who was part of the Wellesley alumnae, student body, or faculty I either saw myself in them and their stories or I was intrigued by how different their journey to Wellesley was from any experience that I have ever had. Because I am a mix of different cultures I find that I am most comfortable within a diverse setting. Being immersed in different ideas is what I grew up with around me; so, with Wellesley being a place that can offer me this kind of diversity, is it very easy to see myself thriving in that

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