
My Exercise On My Muscle Strength

Decent Essays

My muscle strength is nearly gone, I do not know how much longer I can hold my body in this position, and sweat is falling from my face like rain in a hot jungle. My tiny, blonde torturer is exceptionally sadistic this evening. I imagine that she has harnessed all of her day’s spite in order to exude it upon me with the calm, controlled voice of a person completely at peace with her actions. It is at this moment that I begin to second-guess my decision to take up hot yoga. The benefits of the practice are clear: increased flexibility, mental focus, core strength, and protection from injury. All good things, but am I tough enough to make it through the severe discomfort of this initial learning curve, to see the results in myself …show more content…

The misconception about flexibility is that improvement only comes from forcing the body into positions of increased range of motion. In reality, it is less about active force and more about releasing control and allowing the body move into extended positions. “The ability to relax a muscle group is an important part of flexibility; the ultimate expression of this is seen during general anesthesia” (Rippetoe, Baker, & Bradford, 2013). General anesthesia being impractical for regular flexibility improvement, yogis rely on position holds and focused breathing to distract the mind and nervous system from the ridged control they usually have on the body. Recovery drill exercises are very similar to yoga poses, the most obvious of which is the extend and flex which is a “by-the-numbers” version of upward-facing dog flowing into downward-facing dog. With this association in mind, it is a simply a matter of educating Soldiers on how to get the most benefit out of recovery drill exercises, directing that these exercises be held for the full 30 seconds available and possibly cueing their breathing patterns to keep them focused. Increased flexibility allows the body to reach full ranges of motion and a body operating in the full range of motion is potentially less likely to be injured. Approximately 98 percent of injuries are avoidable, caused by lack of range of motion and improper movements. The two

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