
My Experience At The Gym For A Physical Education ( P.e ) Essay

Decent Essays

In my practicum, I was placed in a Physical Education (P.E.) classroom at Robert Asp Elementary. I was in the gym a majority of the time, with occasionally being outside. Most of the time, I was with first grade and fifth grade. A few times I was also with second, third, and fourth grade. Because of the setting I was in, there would be one class for thirty minutes, and then they would switch and another class would come in for thirty minutes. One day a week, we had health and on that day, one class would be in the gym for a full hour and we would only have one class of that grade instead of two. At my practicum, there were gifted and talented students, and students with disabilities. It was a large range of abilities and also many different cultures. There were students who have lived in Moorhead their entire lives and been at Robert Asp since they started school, and there were students who just moved here from a different country and did not know any English. The environment of the gymnasium was interesting, especially because of the large socio-cultural characteristics and differences. The children were very welcoming to new students and were always trying to help them out when they did not understand the game. It was very fulfilling to see this happening since the situation could play out in a completely different way that would be disappointing. I really enjoyed my time at my practicum because of the experience it gave me. My cooperating teacher was great, but I

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