
My Experience In My First Year Of College

Decent Essays

I stumble, missing a step. A little lightheaded is all. Maybe I should’ve eaten more for breakfast. I walked up the steps and attempted to push open the door even though the sign clearly read pull. I murmured to myself, “Why do I have a math class at 7:45am?” This was a routine for me during my years of high school and I often felt miserable as a result. Although I felt as if I was in hell every morning high school has been a captivating experience for me. It has certainly had its positives and negatives and many confusing experiences in between. Overall, I feel as though I have been suited for not only college, but also life as a whole. High school has taught me many things, both academically and subjectively. It has revealed my true colors, both good and bad, and as a result, has built many aspects of my character as well as define my success as I enter my first year of college. My experiences at A.C.L.A have shaped me into the person that I am today.
Starting high school, I began to realize my teachers only had so much accountability for my grades and actions. Whether or not I turned in my homework or received a good grade in the overall class all depended upon me. My teachers were no longer held responsible for whether or
Brown 2 not I understood the lessons or even showed up for their class. I learned to take initiative if I did not understand something and I consistently talked with my teachers about a plan that would help me to succeed in their class.

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