
My Experience In My New School

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Freshman year was a relatively complicated year for me. I made a big change by leaving the school district I grew up in for a school that would challenge me academically. This wasn't an easy transition to go to a new school that I had no friends at in the beginning, but I knew it was the place for me to be. I put my faith in hard work and in the reputation of a school I had only been to once. Although this sounds like the recipe for disaster, it ended up being the formula for success for myself. I knew that if I worked hard in everything and trusted in the process then eventually things will work out. I knew I would be able to accomplish things I had never done before because of this school. Most people would call me crazy for enrolling at Cathedral Prep due to the fact that it is an hour and a half one way. From the beginning of this adventure, my parents said, “We’ll try it the first year and see if it's the place for you.” From that very first day I fell in love with the school and realized I would have to give all the effort I possible could to my academics and athletics at this school in order to excel, a very different concept from the school I had just left. I came in to a new school with a cross country team I had never met and a coach I knew nothing about. Ever since day one, I put my trust completely in my coach and his training plan to make me the best runner I could possibly be. The very first race we ran against the returning Pennsylvania State Champions,

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