
My Experience With Mental Health Problem

Decent Essays

I had mixed emotions about this course because I don’t have any experience with dealing with people experiencing mental health problem. However, I also feeling emotions of excitement, as I knew I would learn a great deal about mental health throughout the semester. The first day of class was very important time for me to establish a tone for what will happen the rest of the term and foundation day of how I reduce all the anxieties and how to manage course load. I always came to first-day class asking a question myself, what can I do to establish a positive beginning? The introduction of learning environment was very helpful and can build trust among students relationship and also can be demonstrated by mutual respect, acceptance and the student treating each other in a non-judgemental manner. I like the idea that you create a positive learning environment in the classroom because, it allows me to feel comfortable, safe and engaged. I hope there are many other students who have the same belief with me regardless of creating comfortable environment will make a huge impact in their learning process. Therefore, I think clearly you addressed that it’s very important to develop a quality of being non-judgmental attitudes toward our fellow classmate. In addition, I think developing professional manner and respectful to one another will create a good flow of learning process for me and for other as well. I think the brief introduction about student expectations and Professor

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