I lived in a neighborhood called Shadowbay in a small town called Willis, Texas. I lived there for twelve years, it was all I ever knew. My parents got divorced right after I was born and I lived with my mom and my two sisters. My mom was tall and skinny with tan skin, dark brown eyes and long brown hair. I felt like I never really knew her growing up though because she worked often. I was always left with my two sisters and occasionally with one of my mom’s many boyfriends. I was the youngest of my sisters. Eventually my mom found a decent man. His name was Steve and he was tall, built, bald and covered in tattoos. I would be afraid if I saw him on the street but I knew him and he was the first decent man my mom had ever brought home. …show more content…
I remember one night when my mom had one of her worse breakdowns, throwing furniture and dishes and screaming, me and April were locked in my room, huddled on my bed and she was holding me and she promised me that she would protect me from her, that she would never leave me alone with her. She did though. The first chance she got to get out of there she did. She moved to Alaska with my uncle. He only offered to take her, not me. Steve was gone too, he held on as long as he could, he kept trying, not for my mom but for me. I stayed with him sometimes, to eat, shower and sleep in a bed, my mom had sold mine. But eventually she wouldn’t let me go with him anymore. We were living in a shell of a home, no water or power because my mom never had money to pay the bills. We never had any food in the house for the same reason. She had sold nearly everything in the house to pay for her drug habits. I had some friends that were good to me. They would let me stay at their house as much as possible. Some days my mom would leave and not come back for three or four days. School was about to start and I didn’t know what to do. I had no way to get any school supplies or anything. The year before my Aunt Annie took me to get school stuff but she was laid up in bed injured and couldn’t get out of her house. I would have been ashamed to go to school the way I was, dirty and hungry and pretty much homeless. I had to figure out something to do. One afternoon while I was at a
When anyone thinks of a perfect family photo, they imagine a family with fancy clothing, a bright sunny day, green grass and faces that have been enhanced. When my family takes photos they are not quite that picture perfect family that’s advertise but a family that goes deeper than perfection.
The morning of the first of school came after getting ready and eating breakfast I went to my bus stop. The first day of school was incredibly awesome, everyone was friendly, and my black Chromebook case even arrived a few days earlier. After I went to my Aunt's house I had a snack and took a nap. A while later after waking up, I didn’t see my Aunt so I started crying and felt really alone. I wanted my mom to come back home very soon and quickly. My Aunt and my parents were tremendously worried and I was sad at both home and at school. I lost my appetite and it took a while to get it back. I couldn’t bear having my mom around anymore and I wanted her to come back right away as every day passed. Everyone and even I myself knew that I was in a mentally maimed state from the result of the past few months. On Saturday, the day finally came when my parents would come.! My uncle, brother, and I went to pick her up. At first glance at my mother after about three months of not seeing her, I embraced my mom into a tight hug. Right that moment I started bursting into soft tears, I was unconditionally and unexplainably happy to see her and everyone else again. That day we had another gluttony of delicious food made by our Elder Aunt to commemorate most of my family’s return. My big sister hadn’t come with my parents but she was going to come a later month. It was the best day of my life my parents got us all gifts and were there with me. I hoped school
I have been stuck in this cell for almost a year now. No one would 've guessed I’d ever be here. I grew up raised on religion, that’s all my family ever talked about; “What would the Lord want?” I loved having rules to live by and knowing that someone was watching over me. I brought religion to my own family. My wife and son, they knew how important religion was to me. It’s ironic how religion, the thing I loved so much, led me to this… jail.
“This is the end” she sobbed as her bottom lip twitched. After two years and ten months, she no longer wants me in her life. It should have been a rainy night as we stood in the middle of a dark alleyway on the way back to her parents’ house. I stare at her like my soul was just taken out of my body and take a deep, quivering breath. I turned cold, like my heart stopped pumping warm blood around my veins and instead thrust ice-cold toxic water as it burns my insides.
I can 't feel where I am; my body feels cold. My legs feel numb and then I remember the glass and throwing it across the room. It 's all my fault things ended up like this, I could have dealt with it like I 've done before. My muscles tense because of how cold it is even though I can tell I 've been sweating. I turn up the thermometer and go upstairs to my room where it 's warmer.
“Nico! Nico!” my mom, Lutex, shouted while aggressively shaking me, “Wake up our ride is here.” I looked at the clock and stared at it for a long time, it read: 4:30 am. I moaned in despair and remembered that we were flying to our cousin’s house today. I still thought it was unfair that my sisters and I had to go to our cousin’s while our parents went to Las Vegas. I got my mind off of it and raced to the bathroom. After using the bathroom I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I got out and my sisters were waiting behind the door. I crept out and heard a honk. This was not the honk you’d hear from a duck, but a car. I got dressed into sweats and a shirt, fixed my shoelaces and stepped outside. Surprisingly, my parents and sisters were already situated with our suitcases.
The winter breeze swept across the ground as I made my way up the hill. The walk home always seemed to calm me. It was the green grass, stretching into the distance and past the horizon, the depth of it was captivating. The trees in the distance swayed in the wind, I used to imagine they were waving to me. The papers in my hand were slowly flapping, as if to show off the big red writing of “100%” scribbled on the front. A humble grin took shaped on my face, but at the same time, I noticed the quick beats of my heart, the tingling in my stomach and the way my fingers slid down my sweaty hands as my fist clenched. I was thinking about the way my parents would react. Things were finally settling down, I really didn’t want to be the one to
A few years ago, I finally decided to have the have the guts and ask my mom the question I had been wanting to ask her. Growing up I had strict parents but not that strict as if I were a prisoner in my own home. Almost every parent appear to be strict others on the other hand are not strict. Entering high school would be the most scariest chapter in my life, I going to meet several new people in my life. Biting my nails as I’m walking in on my first day of highschool, I turn my head left and right as if I were an owl. Seeing every girl looking like they are barbie dolls or Miss Universe. All the girls with their fresh makeup done like a professional makeup artist did their makeup while I am looking like a dead rat. My mother never allowed me to wear makeup for the reason being that I’d get acne.
I still remember the day my father left my mom and I . It was a cold rainy Sunday morning my mom and I were screaming begging him to come back. Telling him over and over that we loved him and would that we would do anything for him to stay. But it was too late by the time we got to the end of the driveway he was gone like a ghost in the night. The years after that were some of the worst in my life. I was lost, I was a boy without his father going through my school years I was harassed by my peers day in day out. Elementary school was hell for me I didn 't have any friends I was alone. I would come home with cuts and bruises. When my mom would ask I would make up excuses. I felt like if I told her I would be worrying her too much. I was so happy when my mom told me we were moving. It was a fresh start away from the bullies and the fighting. We were moving to a small little town in the middle of nowhere but I didn’t care as long as I was safe. My mom had gotten a job as a customer service provider. Things were starting to get better. I started doing better in school my grades were looking good. Until kids learned about my father leaving. I don’t know how the kids learned about it. But the bullying started back up again, that 's when I started to lash out. I started fighting back almost everyday or at least try to anyway. I was weak I was a nerd I didn’t play any sports. I was a computer geek. But through all the fighting something good came out of it. I made my first friend.
I have never been more scared in my entire life. I’ve seen it in movies but it’s never happened in real life. I can actually see it with my own eyes. We all saw it and we even have evidence.
It was mid october and I was sitting in the car thinking what it would be like to have a house or a room, or at least another outfit. My mom couldn’t afford to buy a house or new clothes so, day after day I wore the same clothes to school hoping the kids at my school wouldn’t notice,eventually they all noticed. It all started when my mom, Beth, had me at 16 years old. My whole family shut her out, and my dad left my mom, when I was just us two years old. Me and my mom had a great life even though we lived in a car. One day something horrible happened to my mom… One day I came to the car from school, everyday I have to find a way to sneak away from the crowd to go the the abandoned park that is now surrounded by pine trees where we keep our car, and that day it was my birthday, usually we don’t get presents on our birthdays. But when I got to our secret parking spot there was a box on the picnic table right outside our car that read “to Maya”. So I waited for mom to get home so I could open the strange box, I was filled with excitement, when mom got home I went straight for the box and asked ‘’can I open it?’’
I was deserting everything I had, or so I had anticipated, at first. Toward the conclusion of the school year, my dad had transferred his job, but in order to do so, we had to move to Pennsylvania, first into a temporary home, then a brand new one. On the last day of school, I couldn’t stop crying goodbye to my friends and teachers. In a week, I would be breaking away from my friends, my family, my home, my cat, and many of the places I had come to grasp and enjoy in Ohio.
If I am going to tell the story of my life I might as well start at the beginning, the very beginning, my parents. My mom is Monica Ann Hill. She is a quarter Italian and a quarter German. She was born to Cathleen Trosen and Gary Trosen on August 29th, 1973 in Covina, California. Her parents were divorced when she was a teenager and her mom later remarried to Boud Jackson. My Grandpa Bob. My mom was baptised a member of the LDS Church at the age 16 and went to college at BYU, Brigham Young University, where she met my dad. My dad is Paul Clement Hill. He is a quarter Scottish, a quarter Welsh, and a quarter English. He was born to Audrey Hill and Donald Hill on August 29th, 1973 in Bangkok, Thailand. He was born there because his dad was an international banker. He later moved to many other places ending in Connecticut, USA. He was baptised a member of the church at the age 8. He also went to college at BYU, and after meeting my mom served an LDS mission in California. After his mission they married in the Salt Lake, UT temple.
Everyone knows how it feels to be exiled. No one has been in on everything they wanted to when they wanted it. I wanted everything in my life to be forced. I cannot control everything in my life not now and especially not when I was young. I tried so hard to get everything done the way I wanted it when I wanted it but then my life changed and it changed fast. When I three years old my mom and dad got divorced. After that my brother, mom, and I moved around a lot for the next two years. The neighborhoods we lived in didn’t happen to be ideal. My mom eventually got remarried when I was five. Not even a year later my father died. In this short time span I didn’t really comprehend what was going on and that I really lost my father. I didn’t
I pull the covers back and slowly get in bed. I lean my head back onto the pillow as my head sinks in. Safely tucked away in my bed, I start to think about the stress I have from unfinished homework and upcoming tests. My legs are burning and my body aching from running up and down the court. I 'm exhausted from the long day at school and a rough day at practice; i 'm ready to fall asleep. As I close my eyes everything seems to disappear and I slowly drift asleep.