
My Father Is A Public Safety Officer

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My Father: my father cares for his family and worked in the city hall as a public safety officer. He has a personality that never panics in times of hard time.
My relationship with him is unique that he will tell me a bed time story. Also, whenever, I come from school he will check my school work and correct me where necessary. I am similar to my father in terms of smiling and quietness. Ways am different is being taller and lighter in skin.
My Mother: my mother is responsible for cooking and feeding every member of the family. He maintains peace among my siblings. My mother’s personality is the type that does not procrastinate whenever there is a problem. She will tackle the problem with everything within her reach to make sure it is under control.
My relationship with my mother made me a mom’s little girl.
I am similar to her in terms of light skin, facially, and height. Way am different from her is being an outgoing, while my mother is not an outgoing person.
In fact, my parents are awesomely caring and loving parents. They make decisions that are best for the family. As a husband, he loves my mother and cherishes her. As a father, he keeps the family happy and together. He assumes his responsibilities by providing material and financial needs of the family. As a partner, they both work to a common goal and execute decisions that keep the family in harmony. As a mother, she nurtures the children to the right directions, cooks for the family and motivates everyone to

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