
My Final Reflection By Quoting Psychologist

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“You’re in charge of your mind. You can help it grow by using it in the right way.” - Carol Dweck, psychologist
I begin my final reflection by quoting Psychologist, Carol Dweck. We were asked during the first week of this course to choose a quote that spoke to us. 5 weeks later, this quote still speaks to me but in a different way. First I would like to explain the term learning to someone that has not taken this class. Learning is an adventure that I seek on a daily basis. It is there with me, when I go shopping, spending time with my family or when I sit down and do my assigned course work. I have slowly learned that I can immerse myself in the world around me and critically apply its lessons, to better myself as a student. As Miss Dweck said, I am in charge of myself, no one else is there to walk me through life 's lessons.
If someone were to ask me what type of learner I am, the first thing that pops in my mind is that I am a hands on learner. Although that is a common term understood by many people, do they really understand what that means to me? In most cases this will not be the case because they are not seeing the big “Jose Chavarria” picture.
As I break down each one of my LCI scores and explain how each one of them interact with each other, you can see the interaction between each one of them. As we look at my scores as a whole, I learned that I am a Dynamic Learner. My highest scores point out that my Precision and Technical Reason are the highest. These

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